Передача "Время Сопротивления" и другие аудиоматериалы от организации националистов и национал-идеалистов Комитет «Нация и Свобода» / The program "Time of Resistance" and other audio materials from the organization of nationalists and national idealists Committee "Nation and Freedom". Читать/Read: https://vk.com/komitetns - https://telegram.me/komitetns Присоединиться/Join: https://politcenter.org/nation_svoboda/ Поддержать/Donate: https://vk.com/topic-17736722_38419416
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Learn Russian and Belarusian languages in a natural and joyful way. Get to know captivating things about our culture, traditions. Watch videos on our youtube channel with quizes and educational materials!В добрый путь! Добрай дарогi!
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Learn Russian join our course https://natural-russian-belarusian.tilda.ws/russian-course-discount FREE quizzes https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/share/ygr1ifAwEzuCmfN4/Di Sophia
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Learn Russian vocabulary and grammar by singing in relaxed and calm atmosphere join our course Natural Russian course (tilda.ws) FREE quizzes https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy Facebook group (12) Natural Russian and Belarusian | FacebookDi Sophia
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Learn Russian in 3 steps! *Present 100+ Russian words-equivalents Natural Russian course (tilda.ws) *Register for a Natural Russian course https://natural-russian-belarusian.tilda.ws/russian-course-discountDi Sophia
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Download a PDF file with movies https://natural-russian-belarusian.tilda.ws/russian_movies_cartoons * Join our group channel https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy * Our courses https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussianDi Sophia
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The real story about Santa. Santa's Fiefdom in Russia and Belarus. Learn Russian (episode 5)
*Watch episode on YouTube https://youtu.be/K3wVMWVt1mo * A special story about Santa Claus' appereance https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy * Our studying course https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussianDi Sophia
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The 2nd part of this episode is here https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy Our courses https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussian Send your feedback and stories here: natural.rusandbel@gmail.comDi Sophia
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Discover the main parts of the Russian "izba" and much more! *Our group channel https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy *Our full Russian or Belarusian course https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussianDi Sophia
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These episodes will dive you into a countryside atmosphere and give you an idea of village life in the 20th and 21st centuries. *Our group channel https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy *Our full Russian or Belarusian course https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussian *Free videolessons https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4XJ8maavoBM8NmTU2l4Jig…
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No boring rules cramming, all you need is just to watch, listen, and repeat! Free tasks and studying material here https://t.me/+A-F47-3Uklk4Mzcy Full Russian and Belarusian course buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussianDi Sophia
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-What is the best way to learn Russian? -Listen, watch, repeat! :) Full language course: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturalrussian/membershipDi Sophia
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This 1st episode will help you to learn the Russian and Belarusian alphabet and words. We will practise a correct letter and word pronunciation; discover the main points, which will serve as the basis for correct writing and understanding the orthography of the languages in general. To win 3 first group lessons join and read the information on our …
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Новогоднее обращение русских националистов к 2020 г. / New Year's address of Russian nationalists
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"Время сопротивления". Спецвыпуск. Подведение итогов Русского Марша 2019, и дальнейшие планы националистов
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"Время Сопротивления". Путин продаст Китаю до 40% последнего крупного месторождения нефти в Сибири и другие новости
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"Время Сопротивления". Граждане РФ пытаются бороться с системой распознавания лиц, русские вымирают, а чеченцы высаживаются в Норвегии
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"Время Сопротивления". В Казахстане русские районы колонизируют узбеками, мигранты массово скупают жильё в Москве, и другие новости
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"Время Сопротивления". Более 70 % граждан поддерживают антииммиграционные лозунги и другие новости
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"Время Сопротивления". Спецвыпуск. «Не очень умное голосование». Русские националисты подводят итоги выборов 8 сентября 2019 г.
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Приветственное слово В. Басманова конференции Комитета «Нация и Свобода», посвящённой бойкоту партии "Единая Россия"
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