Marriage Lessons on The Way God wants Marriage
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Marketing advice and inspiration for modern wellness, business and entrepreneurial professionals Will Work 4 Patients (WW4P) is a free chiropractic marketing, practice and business growth podcast by artist, speaker and coach, Frank Sardella, a 2-decade veteran advocate of chiropractic, alternative medicine and wellness care. Frank has also gotten thousands to take their next step toward wellness. Join Frank and special guests as they discuss ideas advice, motivation and inspiration to keep u ...
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Have you ever avoided accounting and taxes altogether? Are you apprehensive about the very mention of the subject? If you are, worry no more, not only because you're not alone. Not only because so is everyone else. But, because today's guest is solving practice problems YOU thought could never be solved! Join me for someone who is going to debunk a…
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Ever been turned down for a loan? Did you know over 50% of people who are rejected should have been approved for funding but triggered an algorithm that flagged them for rejection? That makes you 50% likely to turn it around and get funded. Listen to my guest on the show, funding and credit expert Greg Maher of Score Up, who tells all about how to …
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Did you invest in Facebook or other online ads? Did you get no one from it or very little? Did the company who managed it show you that they actually got you leads? Do those leads mean nothing to you? Well, here is the exact reason why. But here is also the exact steps to take to make sure you can close every lead that comes your way. There is a wa…
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I found Chiropractors, by survey, willing to spend up to $100 to get a new patient. But then I did the math on what they were spending. You won't believe what I found. It's WAY beyond that figure. How much? Listen to my guest, Keanan Kintzel, marketer and record claimer of LOWEST COST PER PATIENT, something which he guarantees when he works with hi…
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How do you make total strangers into patients? How fast can you do it? How can you do it faster? What makes people so interested (or disinterested) in the first place? Maybe you're pretty good. Maybe you're not. But even if you are, you still look for better answers to these questions. And there is a finite answer to end all answers. And, it's IN T…
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Are you able to get ANYONE as a patient that you meet, ANYWHERE you meet them? Can your staff or your patients do it? No? Well, there is a reason why and knowing it could make this a possibility. There is something YOU DON'T KNOW! If you think you are dealing with a blank slate when you meet someone new and try and introduce them to chiropractic, t…
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Yes, I'm back!!! Where did I go? Well, I haven't posted since New Years Eve, December 31st, 2019, and you know what happened in the 15 months between then and now! Now, I'm back, stronger than ever, Chiro-Strong, and I have a new plan and new vital information to share on how you can get people listening to you easier than at any time in history! H…
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Why do many marketing scripts and programs seem to work for your colleagues but not you? What do Chiropractic marketing experts NOT know about their own success? How can you turn your failed marketing campaigns into tangible new patient cases? How do you close every case you meet? All this, the reasons behind why people do show up in interest and s…
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The shocker that ended the first season now reveals its purpose, the real surprise and how I have restructured things to help you, even if we never meet or speak! Find out what I have in store for you in this new season and how it translates to me actually sending you new patients! Tune in for this epic Season 2 opener and cash in now!!…
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Finally, a decision on where Season 1 ends and where Season 2 starts, these reasons, whys and wherefores, especially the fact that I had an epiphany and realized YOU are not the one I wanted to help, but that by targeting those I do, you win too! Tune in for this epic end to Season 1 and a foreshadowing of the awesomeness you will get in the Season…
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What does it take to remain Loyal in all Life relationships
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This episode explains why being a living example to the virtues you want to teach a child is more important than talking the talk.
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Forget delegating tasks, how do you delegate passion and instill yours at a high level in your staff AND patients too? Tune in to Frank as he interviews an old friend who is an RN for 23 years and has every degree of passion you wish all your staff and patients had even a fraction of. Join Frank and Melissa Henderson as they discuss successful team…
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Join Frank and his special guest Amy Cutter, licensed massage therapist and innovator of Laser treatment, and referrals from MD's and other wellness professionals, with no prompting or solicitation, just with a gleaming reputation for results. Find out how her practice innovation opened the door to an entire new realm of possibility in terms of cas…
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Do you find that your patients don’t refer as much as you like, or at all, despite your best efforts, research and coaching? Are you a referral-based practice but feel you should be getting more? Have you concluded patients just don’t refer and neither do any of your other contacts in your locale, in your networking groups or professional community…
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Almost a sequel, but more of an undercut to episode 48 and the coverage of the whole "being the voice inside people's heads" thing. Frank takes you inside the primary step in encountering "perfect strangers" in the community, gives you keen insight into what makes them tick, and how to get through to them enough for them to take the next step with …
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This is the big one! Join Frank as he reveals the details of what's missing from the relationship between you and those who don't yet know you, and even many of those who do. Find out the exact reasons why people refuse you, or accept an offer from you and then bail. Find out what you can do to not only bridge the gap between you, but reach the ult…
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Join Frank and special guest, Noelle Ward, a top Occupational Therapist and administrator turned entrepreneur, who blew up her Instagram, getting to 8K followers in 5 short months and starting an entire niche business with unlimited potential with expansion. Learn what it means to bring it for real in terms of bringing ALL of your passions to the t…
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Join Frank and his guest Adria Gross as she discusses the ins and outs of her advocacy for those who should be covered by insurance but have difficulty getting paid. Find out the real score behind the scenes in insurance companies and how Adria, when she worked in claims, was first taught to deny them! Don't miss this killer episode! For more infor…
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Join Frank as he interviews certified Health Coach Tracey Levy @kwsof, founder of "Kale With a Side of Fries" coaching, as she discusses the challenges of coaching and treating in the new climate of millennials, the biggest barriers to getting people to live a wellness life and how to get past them to success. Find out the missing link between you …
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Join Frank and special guest Dr Rob Marvenko, DC, for this compelling and intriguing journey into a master doctor's report of findings and an expert view of how to create lifetime patients. Listen up as Dr Rob discusses how to make a solid close that creates corrective, maintenance and referring patients who live a wellness lifestyle. Tune in now!…
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Join Frank and his very special guest, all the way from London, Holly Ashe (@hollyroseashe) where they take on a very controversial subject: the "body positivity movement" Holly wrote a controversial article on how body positivity is "killing women" and got 80K read overnight and 165K views in a week. Tune in for this compelling episode and find ou…
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Compelling to say the least, this episode is an epic tale of purpose and practice-growing persistence in the face of adversity, momentary failure and outright BS. Join Frank as he interviews veteran practice owner Dr Jerry Dreessen on his evolution from magician, to chiropractor, to technology innovator to electronic practice marketing genius. Tune…
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A must-hear episode, join Frank and very special guests Lauren and Adam Benbassat, creators of the Mele, instant shake meal replacement they innovated out of necessity. Join these two corporate employees turned entrepreneurs who now SELL their product successfully to the corporate demographic and have attracted the interest and attention of corpora…
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Join Frank and his special guest, Nanette DeGroat, entrepreneur who lost miracle weight and started her own empire on inspiration alone, quitting her secure high school math teaching job. She put 4,000 people through her program her first 4 years in business and doesn't do any marketing. Learn how you can apply the ripple effect principle of contag…
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Get in the car with Frank for his first episode of his mini-series "From the Road" where he discusses PASSION and how it affects the results of chiropractic marketing to grow your practice. Passion is shown to have a positive influence on campaign results and now you can master it and get more people under care than ever!…
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Join Frank and his special guest, Fran Failla, owner of ChiroCover Inc. [] Placement brokers for chiropractors seeking temporary coverage and permanent associate placement. Today, Frank grills Fran on the best qualities to look for in recruiting and onboarding associates. Hiring nightmares? Associate problems? Here is the episode for …
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Join Frank with his guest Monika Sardella (his wife and Personnel Director for a busy 70+ staff practice) as they tackle recruiting and hiring pitfalls and methods. Learn what you need to correct to get the perfect CA and how to end the endless failure of the hiring process.Di Frank Sardella
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Get all your CA's together and join Frank Sardella as he tackles the subject of CA's. After years of feedback heard from docs on staffing and CA's, training, hiring, etc., and prompted by a recent client call on that very subject, Frank took to the mic to talk directly to CA's to indoctrinate them on how to be "super-CA's" and create job security w…
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Almost a continuation of the last episode, Frank is both pumped and pissed all at the same time. Learn the 3 groups involved in the fate of your practice, who's with you and who's against you and who is on who's side. You can't grow your practice with any chiropractic marketing until you understand a thing or two about these three groups. Tune in, …
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Frank is both FIRED UP and PISSED OFF all at the same time. "If you're engaging in chiropractic marketing or any practice growth and it's not fun, you hate what you do!" is one of the themes discussed in this unscripted, unorthodox podcast Frank does off-the-cuff without so much as a script or outline. Join Frank as he steps it up to levels unknown…
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You need to diversify chiropractic marketing to achieve practice growth. But how do you cut through the "noise" that prospects and even former patients are tuning out? How do you get their attention and how do you keep it for the long term? Join Frank and special guest Barry Coziahr of Response Targeted Marketing for things you definitely didn't kn…
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AC/DC said, It's a long way to the top if you wanna rock 'n roll" but how long is the way to the top for you? You ask "I'm doing all this marketing where is everybody?" Why doesn't your chiropractic marketing seem to be growing your practice? Is practice growth even possible? How do you expand in the face of adversity and make it like many famous e…
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How do you grow your practice is a great question but, WHY grow it? Have you ever taken the time to imagine what the world would look like without medicine? What if you became a primary care physician? Have you visualized the future of your practice in such a world? How about in this world? What strategy should you be using today to create practice…
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How can you use the bad habits of everyone in your community to create an influx of prospective patients walking through the door and spark practice growth? What do these bad baits have to do with a wellness-based practice? What crazy, absurd chiropractic marketing things have been done to create wellness patients? You will never believe it! Join F…
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Why do we want New Patients so badly? Why do we get burned out in search of them? Why is it a never-ending, sometimes annoying process to get them? Did you know that top practices don't focus predominantly on new patients? In fact they can care less. Tune in and listen as Frank reveals a "Lifetime Patient Ladder" he discovered that eliminates the b…
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What is behind failed chiropractic marketing efforts? What is the biggest practice growth stopper? How can you make sure every marketing effort WORKS? Today's episode is the one. Join Frank and special guest Marketing Expert and Consultant David Sanders of Creative Business Strategies who has the purpose to help integrative and complementary medici…
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Are you doing one of the 5 deadliest things in practice right now without even knowing? A suprising number of docs are and it's not just chiropractic marketing that is to blame. Join Frank and his special guest, founder of ChiroHealth USA, Dr Ray Foxworth and learn about the hidden problem and the several solutions you can do right now to pul the s…
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Join Frank today for a gripping episode that has everything to do with overcoming failure in practice growth and why it happens. Why don't your chiropractic marketing ideas seem to work? Why don't people sign up when you want them to? Why can't you reach those practice goals. Join Frank as he goes inside and provides answers underlying ALL OF IT!…
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How are you perceived by potential patients in your community? Are they seeing or understanding what you want them to see or understand? What might be confusing them? Join Frank and special guest Jack Potter, 48-year veteran, branding and design expert, as they take you through the do's and DEFINITELY DO NOTS of chiropractic marketing.…
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Join Frank and special guest Tony Rockliff, SEO (search engine optimization) expert and pioneer as they discuss the worst mistakes made by people trying to get to number one on Google and how they relate to chiropractic marketing, what the best internet marketing tips are and how to avoid disaster.Di Frank Sardella
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Join Frank and his special guest, sales expert and author of "Listen More Sell More" Ron Kule who talks about 10 things to avoid and 8 steps everyone needs to ascend to be able to buy ANYTHING!Di Frank Sardella
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Join us for a most intriguing, purpose boosting, great chiropractic marketing ideas session with special guest, inventor, pioneer and passion-driven innovator Winston Kao of Go Beyond Organic as he talks about what the soil, probiotics and other factors have to do with your practice. You DEFINITELY don't want to miss this one!…
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Want new patients with a wellness mindset? What creates the mindset and how do you expand beyond your dreams? What does your passion and level of enthusiasm for it have to do with the volume you treat and your quality of care? Find out in this riveting episode.Di Frank Sardella
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This is the show you've been waiting for. Join us with special guest, Certified Medical Compliance Specialist Kathy Mills Chang and learn 13 things you need to know that are chiropractic marketing suicide, bad ideas that can ruin you! Learn how to get around them. Join us for this monumental podcast show!…
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Join Frank and his super special guest, Dr Dan Margolin, owner of a top 3% practice in terms of size, chiropractic marketing ideas from an unexpected and suprising resource. Hint, Dr Margolin is not a chiropractor but has something that you MUST hear. Join us for this super special episode for some marketing fun!…
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Hardly an episode about doubling your screening results in terms of arrivals to your office, this is more like why you're getting HALF the result you should. Find out how to give a 2x boost to your chiropractic marketing with this detailed analysis of the screening process and what is wrong with it. Find the answers to this and more.…
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Join Frank for this very special episode. Frank's first guest on the show ever, Dr Frank Marghella, client and friend. Dr M talks about his experience with sharing something quite controversial that has been instrumental in getting the chiropractic message out and will inspire you to get even more new patients than you planned! This is beyond chiro…
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Are some of your screenings and talks a total waste of time. Do you spend more time handling objections and doing scripted procedures than talking about what you want to and making appointments? It might not be YOU. It might be the types of venues you are choosing. Learn the top 10 places QUALITY new patients hang out and give your chiropractic mar…
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Do you need help with your chiropractic marketing? Have you ever been backed off from or found difficult the locating and hiring process of Chiropractic Marketing Assistants? Tune in and find out the real answer why and how to successfully hire and pay someone to get you all the prospective new patients you desire!…
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