Proclaiming the Message of Grace, Faith, the Cross of Christ & Holy Spirit Renewal worldwide.
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What situations cause your faith to waver? What role do your emotions or circumstances play in your outlook? Where is God in your thinking?
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The USA has one of the highest divorce rates in the world. In fact, people work much harder in the preparations of getting married, than on staying married. God has a lot to say about weathering marital storms. We would do well to obey our all-wise Heavenly Father and fight for our marriages.
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Today’s podcast theme is a nuts-and-bolts explanation of what repentance is and isn’t.
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These prophetic signs are very real and all around us. Are you ready to stand before Him?
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These prophetic signs are very real and all around us. Are you ready to stand before Him?
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Adversity can either be a paralyzing burden or a bridge to a more intimate relationship with the Lord. You decide.
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Have you suffered a deep hurt that is still affecting you today? How have you dealt with it so far? How has rehearsing the wrong in your mind affected your pain? What stops you from forgiving? What steps can you take to begin the process?
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Does your perception of God and Jesus match biblical descriptions, or have you made a god of your imagination and liking? What will you do with the truth about Jesus? What’s at stake if you reject it? What is in store if you believe it?
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Does your perception of God and Jesus match biblical descriptions, or have you made a god of your imagination and liking? What will you do with the truth about Jesus? What’s at stake if you reject it? What is in store if you believe it?
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Someone once said, “The Church’s future lies not in reforming society, but in reforming itself.” As 1 Peter 4:17 says, judgment should begin at the house of God. Only a repentant church can endure and win an unrepentant world. Satan is feverishly working today in seminaries, ministries, and churches to pull people away from trusting in the living W…
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Someone once said, “The Church’s future lies not in reforming society, but in reforming itself.” As 1 Peter 4:17 says, judgment should begin at the house of God. Only a repentant church can endure and win an unrepentant world. Satan is feverishly working today in seminaries, ministries, and churches to pull people away from trusting in the living W…
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Someone once said, “The Church’s future lies not in reforming society, but in reforming itself.” As 1 Peter 4:17 says, judgment should begin at the house of God. Only a repentant church can endure and win an unrepentant world. Satan is feverishly working today in seminaries, ministries, and churches to pull people away from trusting in the living W…
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Today’s podcast lists ten Biblical reasons sex sins are worse than other sins and why they are in a category all their own.
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How have you seen the culture change in your lifetime? How are you different from your society? In what ways have you conformed to the culture? What is the destiny of this world (2 Pet. 3:5-7)? How should this motivate you to live (vv.8-16)?
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What obstacles cause you to waver in your trust in God? Might it be the opinions of others or are you afraid circumstances won’t work out as you desire?
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As you look at your life, are you walking in the favor of God? If so, what is the evidence of His favor in your life? How do you personally listen to the Lord? What hinders you from hearing His voice?
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The world is filled with many opinions and misconceptions about the identity of Jesus of Nazareth. We as believers must be prepared to give an accurate answer to anyone who asks us about Jesus. And the only source for absolute truth on this matter is God’s Word. We must know and understand why we believe what we believe.…
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Please join us as we pray for our nation on today’s podcast.
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Loneliness is an epidemic in our society. How does the Bible address loneliness? How does one overcome it? Grab your Bible and something to write with. Listen to today’s episode and find out.
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The virgin birth is inexplicable except as a miracle. There is no possible way for a virgin to have a baby, but with God, all things are possible!
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Are you one type of person when life is running smoothly, but a different one when you are visited by hardship and suffering? Although trouble has the power to take away our happiness, we don’t have to let it rob us of our joy in Christ.
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What situations tempt you to think that God is not your faithful Friend? Where should your focus be in order to base your responses on truth rather than emotions?
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It’s very comforting to know that God loves us enough to have a specific, unique plan for each of our lives.
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Life is composed of a series of decisions, which is why it’s so important to have a plan for making wise choices.
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Are you trusting in the blood of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? If not, on what or whom will you rely upon when you stand before God to be judged?
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Some of the greatest saints in Christian history have endured unimaginable suffering without doubting God’s love for them. Although the Lord has not promised us an easy life, even in the middle of our trials we can know with certainty that our lives matter to Him.
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The Kingdom of God is already being built within the hearts of those who come to the foot of the Cross, surrender to His lordship, and serve Him as King of kings from His eternal throne.
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Our Lord’s greatest work was achieved in those dark hours on Calvary’s Cross. The greatest victory is His resurrection which points to life everlasting.
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The cross of Christ demonstrates the suffering love of God for humankind.
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Through the death of Jesus upon the cross, sin itself was crucified for whosoever will believe in Him.
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Can you truthfully say that you are following Jesus? Why or why not?
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That’s a question every Christian should be able to answer correctly and confidently, yet many of us feel totally inadequate to explain who He is. And the only source for absolute truth on this matter is God’s Word.
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Are you trusting in the blood of Christ for the forgiveness of your sins? If not, on what or whom are you planning to rely on when you stand before God to be judged?
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Our nation is suffering from uncertainty, angst, conflict, and distrust. If ever we needed to rely on the Scripture, it’s today. Such times should lead us to cry out to God, asking Him for the wisdom, courage, and obedience to do what’s right.
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The crucifixion of Christ is such an important doctrine because understanding it correctly determines whether or not we have eternal life. What transpired in that event was the solution to mankind’s biggest problem—SIN—and our resulting alienation and separation from God.
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Everywhere we look there are disasters, tragedies, trauma, misery, suffering, and loss. But what happens when our view of adversity becomes up close and personal? How does the Lord want us to respond when we come face-to-face with trials?
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Do you really feel loved by God? What does God’s Word say about His love for you? Are you able to give love, or is there something hindering you from expressing it freely to others?
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If you have ever contemplated “ending it all,” please get quiet, open your Bible, prayerfully listen, and learn how much God loves you.
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As we conclude our study of what Jesus says about worry from the Sermon on the Mount, the question must be asked by each and every individual, “Do I really trust in the Lord and His promises to me?” How might you respond?
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As we look at what Jesus says about worry from the Sermon on the Mount, the question must be asked by each and every individual, “Do I really trust in the Lord and His promises to me?” How might you respond?
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New Heaven. New Earth. New Jerusalem.
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The Lake of Fire.
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The Great White Throne Judgement.
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The Millennial Reign of Christ.
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The Battle of Armageddon
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The Mark of the Beast.
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The Antichrist.
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The Rapture
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Persecution of Christians.
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The Immorality of the Culture.
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