[English Interview] What is digital transformation and how can businesses use it? - デジタルトランスフォーメーションって何?
Manage episode 279878170 series 2838757
皆さん、こんにちは。ForeignConnect.org より今日はHiLo Maritime Risk Management, Cief Infomation Officer のライアンさんをインタビューしました。
ライアン・パービスとは誰ですか? (https://digitalworkspace.works/)
Ryan PurvisはHiLo Maritime Risk Managementの最高情報責任者であり、デジタルワークスペースのホストです。彼は20年以上にわたり、企業のアドバイザー、コンサルタント、およびディレクターとして、デジタル変革の創出を支援し、現在のビジネス環境の変化を導くために尽力してきました。彼は、利害関係者と協力し、ビジネス強化ツールとしてテクノロジーを使用することで、最も複雑な問題を解決するために、利害関係者が挑戦し、影響を与え、支援するのを助けることを喜びとしています。
Who is Ryan Purvis? (https://digitalworkspace.works/)
Ryan Purvis is a chief information officer at HiLo Maritime Risk Management and a host at the digital workspace. He's spent 20+ years working as an advisor, consultant, and director for companies to help them create the digital transformation and guide them through the changes in the current business environment. He takes pleasure from working with stakeholders and helping them to challenge, influence, and support them in solving their most complex problems by using technology as a business-enhancing tool.
His podcast can be found here: https://digitalworkspace.works/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ryanpurvis/
Today, we asked these questions:
1. What is your background with digital transformation?
2. How can businesses take advantage of digital transformation?
3. Can you give us a few examples of successful (or nonsuccessful) digital transformation?
4. What should we look for in digital transformation consultants? How do you communicate and decrease the gap between technical consultants and business professionals?
5. What is the difficulty for a business to conduct digital transformation? and how do we overcome that?
You can find us at foreignconnect.org
Who we are: Our goal is to help our clients create new opportunities in their targeting foreign economy by developing strategic international partnership development and ongoing communication & task management.
25 episodi