17. A Gen Z Jew and Catholic Walk Into a Bar
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In this week’s episode of Beyond Rome, Simone Rizkallah interviews both her co-host James O’Reilly and Phillip Dolitsky, a friend and colleague who serves as strategic advisor at The Philos Project.
Together Phil and James share about their friendship with each other despite the fact that Phillip is an observant, Orthodox Jew and James is a practicing, traditional Catholic. Despite a long and contentious history of Catholic-Jewish relations, they both believe that any positive engagement between the two faith communities must begin from a place of mutual humility, honesty, and efforts to understand.
Phillip Dolitsky is a Strategic Advisor at The Philos Project. He earned his Bachelor’s degree in History from Yeshiva University and his Master’s in International Relations from American University. Prior to joining Philos, Phillip worked at a national law firm doing research and analysis for several high-profile counterterrorism cases.
In addition to his work at The Philos Project, Phillip has published extensively on military strategy, military ethics and national security, with his writings appearing in Chesterfield Strategy, Parameters, Military Strategy Magazine and more. When he's not reading or writing about military history and strategy, Phillip can be found playing chess, at the orchestra or indulging his interest in watches.
Beyond Rome is available on Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and a variety of other media platforms!
00:00-10:36 — Gen Z but religiously traditional | Orthodox Judaism and Traditional Catholicism
10:36-22:00 — What are the biggest struggles of living religiously in a secular, atheistic age? | Everyone needs an antidote to chaos
23:22-41:11 — Catholic-Jewish friendship over Catholic-Jewish relations and meeting “the other”
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➡️ Nostra Aetate by Pope St. Paul VI, the Church’s Declaration on its relation to non-Christians religions: https://www.vatican.va/archive/hist_councils/ii_vatican_council/documents/vat-ii_decl_19651028_nostra-aetate_en.html
➡️ On Creative Minorities by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks: https://www.firstthings.com/article/2014/01/on-creative-minorities
22 episodi