Find the Helpers: Fred Guttenberg on Our Lives with Shannon Fisher
Manage episode 314317607 series 3164754
Jaime Guttenberg was one of the 17 people killed during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting on Valentine's Day 2018 in Parkland, Florida in. Her father, Fred Guttenberg, speaks with Shannon Fisher about his experiences in the days and weeks following the shooting.
The title of Guttenberg's new book, Find the Helpers, was inspired by the famous Fred Rogers quote, "Always look for the helpers...There’s always someone who is trying to help.” Guttenberg details many of the helpers he's encountered in his own life while navigating tragedy and hardship.
Fueled by determination to do what he can to prevent another school shooting, Guttenberg is a fierce advocate for closing the gun show loophole, mandatory background checks, raising the minimum age to purchase firearms, mandatory waiting period on the purchase of firearms, banning bump stocks, and other gun safety measures. He talks to Shannon about his legislative efforts to forward these initiatives.
Our Lives with Shannon Fisher explores personal, political, and societal perspectives of the American experience. The show delves deeply into the worlds of writers, artists, celebrities, and community leaders and offers listeners food for thought on ways to better themselves and the world around them. Follow Shannon on Twitter: @MsShannonFisher. Copyrighted podcast solely owned by the Authors on the Air Global Radio Network.
#FredGuttenberg #JaimeGuttenberg #ParklandFlorida #FindTheHelpers #MarjoryStonemanDouglas #2A #GunSafety #GunLegislation #SchoolShootings #Firearms #AuthorsOnTheAir #Radio #Podcast #ShannonFisher #MsShannonFisher #AuthorInterviews
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