A rare bookstore is under attack. Books are being destroyed, text rearranged, and pages vandalized. There are no signs of intrusion, and no evidence that could point to a culprit, so who is behind this odd rash of crimes? Get the Syrinscape app with 10 SoundSets for free at https://syrinscape.com/?DaTPod Heroic Endeavors is a Dragons and Things Pathfinder 2e Adventure from the mind of GM Jim Rodehaver. Experience the epic tale Fridays, LIVE on Twitch at http://www.twitch.tv/thedatnetwork and join us on Patreon at http://www.patreon.com/datdragonshow where you can help influence the story, gain access to additional lore and loot, and help add more episodes to the season! Thank you so much for checking out our show! Join the DaT Discord https://discord.gg/3d9p6nx Explore Evil JimJam's World, Val'Druen, on World Anvil https://www.worldanvil.com/w/datdragonshow Shop DaT Gear https://wictheseries.com/apparel/…