With this episode, we start reading every story in the Kate Daniels world. In this part, we discuss what is Kate's life like a year before the events of Magic Bites. We cover the first few pages of A Questionable Client and stop right before Kate Meets Saiman. Come back next week for the second and final part of our dive into this series prequel! This is the Reading Ilona Andrews podcast, a fan initiative to study and appreciate the writing of our favourite co-authors, Ilona Gordon and Andrew Gordon, known together as Ilona Andrews. Stories Spoiled: A Questionable Client Further Reading : A Questionable Client (read for free on the Ilona Andrews website) Comment here . Email me at readingilonaandrews@gmail.com Find me on Threads and Instagram @readingilonaandrews Host and producer: Paroma Chakravarty…