Send us a text Listen to this powerful conversation as Barry Lockard discusses stewardship and leadership development in a "grace-based culture." Barry quotes Colossians 3:23 "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord and not for people." He describes this from his experience in business, that whatever we put our hand to is a ministry where God can use us to participate in the work He is doing. Barry talks about how our calling is to share Jesus, not sell Jesus. We demonstrate our love for our neighbor through actions, words, and what we do. He said, "I do not hide my faith, and do not underestimate the power of prayer." Barry emphasizes that followers of Christ need to navigate skillfully in today's business world and to understand the gravity of being in the people business. There is a responsibility to put people over profit and to be a person of character. If you want to be encouraged and equipped to live your life of faith more effectively in the workplace, the Skillful at Work Podcast is for you.…