Noden bevakar nyfiket trenderna som rör organisations-, ledarskaps- och personalområdet. Här publiceras vår podd! Häng med!
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En podcast om rollspel
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En podd om ikoniska böcker du borde ha läst. Följ med Emelie Rosenqvist och gäster in i de stora klassikernas värld. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Caroline Kernen
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Cornelia Blom och Martin Lidén riskerar allt genom att podsända sin förlovning. Gratulationer och frågor till #förlovningenpodcast
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Your best source of news from Sweden. Ansvarig utgivare: Klas Wolf-Watz
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Maria Oldenstedt och Linda Sandkvist lärde känna varandra efter att de båda drabbats av en psykopat. Maria levde med psykopaten i elva år. När hon äntligen lyckades bli fri nästlade han sig in hos Linda. Linda tog sig med nöd och näppe ur relationen efter en kortare period - den värsta i hennes liv. Efter att hon gjort sig fri kvarstod frågorna - vem var han egentligen? Behövde hon vara rädd? Hon kontaktade Maria och fick sina farhågor bekräftade. Genom detta möte växte en vänskap fram och M ...
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Spåren av händelserna som skakade Varpsbruk.
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Samtal om mångfaldssamhällets möjligheter och problem. Aldo Iskra och gäster sitter på Kaffebaren och blickar ut över Möllevångstorget i Malmö. Där ser de en löftesrik framtid för Sverige. Mångfaldspodden görs av Open Skåne, Podden produceras av Umami Produktion.
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"Ett av skälen till att kristna tvistar så mycket om vilken psalm man skall sjunga, vilken liturgi man skall följa, hur man skall be, är att buden lär oss att dålig liturgi i slutändan leder till dålig etik. Man börjar med att sjunga någon sentimental psalm, sedan ber man en meningslös bön, och rätt som det är har man mördat sin bästa vän." //Stanley Hauerwas
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En podd uppkallad efter Nynningens femte bästa LP. Jingle by Tristan Lohengrin :
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400 år fyllda av spännande historia. P4 Göteborgs Tommy Johansson har letat upp mängder av guldkorn. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Ansvarig utgivare: Mats Ottoson
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Sharper rules for EEA citizens proposed, investigation into national security advisor, funeral wait, Swedish Oscar nod
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 23rd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/presenter Dave RussellDi Sveriges Radio
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JD Salingers Räddaren i nöden är en av de mest lästa romanerna genom tiderna. Författaren Caroline Ringskog återupptäcker boken som får alla outsiders att känna sig sedda. Lyssna på alla avsnitt i Sveriges Radio Play. Kultboken från 1951 om den relegerade 16- årige Holden Caulfields drivande dagar på Manhattan kom att definiera en hel generation oc…
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Spotify donation to Trump inauguration, incident at private school, moon cottage launch illegal?
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 22nd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Blasts in Eskilstuna and Gothenburg, fight over capers, Sweden's top baby names, foot complaints in the Armed Forces
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 21st 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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Nu kan du lyssna på en nytolkning av Shakespeares klassiker Stormen. I Stormen möter vi ett gäng politiska fiender som är strandade på en ö i ett postapokalypiskt Sverige. Dramaserien är en del av Sveriges Radios satsning Scenen, där några av Sveriges skarpaste samtidsskildrare sätter Shakespeares verk i en nutida kontext. Manus och regi: Olasdotte…
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Minister presents new shore protection rules, IS suspect wanted, national security advisor under fire, Swedish FA boss sacked
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 20th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Immigrant teens drowning risk, kids assaulting for social media, food prices, halva and tahini recall
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 17th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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It may soon become harder to get Swedish citizenship and easier to lose it. We go through all the potential changes to citizenship law announced this week. And: We hear about the new electronic system for medical journals that's caused chaos at hospitals in Sweden's west, and is now being investigated by the healthcare safety watchdog. Presenters: …
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 16th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Removal of Swedish citizenship, whooping cough, Quran burning trial, can and bottle recycling deposits
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 15th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/Presenter: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 14th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/Presenter: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Swedish King at defence summit, Saab's military drone project, police report against Israeli soldier, ice chaos on the E45
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 13th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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We find out the latest news for Swedish battery giant Northvolt, we take a look back at a winter storm that shook Sweden 20 years ago, we share some handy tips for staying safe on Swedens icy pavements, and check out a Stockholm gym that cranks up nothing but metal and hard rock. Presenter: Babak Parham Producer: Kris Boswell…
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Psychiatric evaluation for murder suspect, asylum figures, hedgehog killer accusations, less radiation in Swedish mushrooms and berries
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 10th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Unfit Swedes a defence issue, sick leave costs rise, wind power dominates December, many drivers bad at indicating
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 9th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/Presenter: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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Northvolt to continue reconstruction attempt, Swedish sub finds anchor, inflation down, organ transplants
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 8th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/Presenter: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Charges laid in bag murder case, weather warnings, man charged over palace knife incident, icebreaking season underway
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 7th 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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Join us for our look back at the big stories of 2024 in the company of journalists Henrik Torehammar from newspaper Svenska Dagbladet and Wolfgang Hansson at newspaper Aftonbladet. Presenter: Dave Russell Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Ice still causing train delays, 9 in 10 foreign doctors fail medical licence test, cocaine seizures rise, pizza oven incident
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 3rd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. As Monday's a public holiday, we'll be back again on Tuesday. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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Ebba Busch deletes criticised post, new car registrations fall, wolf hunt underway, Gävle Goat survives the Christmas season
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on January 2nd 2025. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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Di Sveriges Radio
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Det har blivit dags för nyårsafton 2024 och Finlirs nyårspraliner där jag blickar tillbaka på vilka rollspelsrelaterade saker som var mina favoriter från året som gick. Det snackas rollspel, kampanjer, böcker m.m Vi får även höra nyårshälsningar från ett helt gäng andra fina lirare. Gott nytt år! Vill du komma i kontakt med podden så mailar du mig …
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Record year for the Öresund bridge, yellower plastic bottles on the way, snowy New Year expected
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on December 30th 2024. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. We'll be back with more news from Sweden on Thursday 2nd Jan. Presenter: Michael Walsh Producer: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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Baltic Sea security, 42 workplace deaths in 2024, more deported after convictions, millions watched Donald Duck this Christmas Eve
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on December 27 2024. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Presenter/producer: Michael WalshDi Sveriges Radio
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We end 2024 with a culture special, looking back at the year gone by in Swedish arts. We're speaking to experts and people around town for a rundown of what has been in and out in Sweden during 2024 in music, arts and film. Plus a tip or two for books, films, exhibitions or plays to brighten your days over the holidays. Presenter: Ulla Engberg Prod…
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A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on December 23rd 2024. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Produced and Presented by Dave RussellDi Sveriges Radio
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Norrköping shooting, Palestinian aid, woman locked in room for 14 hours, Christmas traffic advice
A round-up of the main headlines in Sweden on December 20th 2024. You can hear more reports on our homepage, or in the app Sveriges Radio Play. Producer/Presenter: Kris BoswellDi Sveriges Radio
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In this episode we talk to reporters at P4 Halland on their investigation into the challenges facing Swedish police in serving court notices, and the impact that can have on suspects, victims, and society in general. We also look at a new government proposal affecting musicians' pay, and we also have some tips of things to do for those of you spend…
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