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show episodes
„Zuhören macht klüger - wenn wir offen sind.“ Der Podcast „ Silvia am Sonntag“ stellt interessante Menschen vor, ohne sie in Schubladen zu stecken. Ich bin Radiomoderatorin und schon immer haben mich Interviews in meinem Beruf am meisten fasziniert. Es wäre schön, wenn Sie wie ich, von dem Gespräch etwas für ihr Leben mitnehmen. Viel Spaß beim Hören.
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Hosted by adult film star & comedian Silvia Saige, Sexy Funny Raw is her pornspective on the world of sex, dating, relationships, and the adult industry. Each episode aims to make the airwaves sexier with Top 10s, inside looks into the adult film world, and answering questions you weren’t brave enough to google.
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Vivimos una nueva realidad laboral llena de retos y oportunidades. Es un momento de cambio, donde las personas son el capital más valioso de una organización. Sin ellas, las empresas no pueden seguir avanzando ni conseguir mejorar su rédito empresarial. Te doy la bienvenida a "El Podcast De Silvia Foz": un espacio para la conexión y la reflexión, donde vamos a conocer a profesionales de primer nivel, y juntos aprenderemos sobre comunicación, creatividad e innovación, atracción y fidelización ...
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👋 ¡Hola a todos! 👋 I'm excited to start this journey with you! 🎉 Welcome to Learn Spanish with Silvia, where we'll make learning Spanish easy and fun for absolute beginners! 🇪🇦🎧 If you've ever wanted to speak Spanish but felt overwhelmed, this is the perfect place for you. We'll break down the language step by step, so you can start communicating in no time! 🗣️📚 In each episode, we'll focus on practical Spanish phrases and essential vocabulary. No complex grammar rules, just simple, useful l ...
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Welcome to 'Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi', the podcast that uncovers the hidden treasures of the real estate industry. Join your host, Silvia Eldawi, Founder of PROPOLOGI and seasoned real estate expert, as she invites top-tier professionals, industry veterans, and rising stars to share their priceless insights, strategies, and success stories. Are you an ambitious property professional eager to make your mark in the real estate world? Or perhaps you're thinking about becoming a real es ...
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Lifestyle With Silvia


Ogni mese
I'm Silvia and I'm here to share with you my journey recovering from a divorce while living away from my family and lifelong friends. How I healed, what worked, what didn't and what I learned in the process. Please share and any comments, feel free to get in touch with me by e-mail:
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Sou a Sílvia e depois de ter passado por um divórcio morando longe da minha família e amigos de toda a vida, resolvi partilhar como foi o meu caminho para a recuperação: os meus aprendizados, reflexões, o que funcionou e o que não funcionou para mim. Se gostarem, partilhem e qualquer comentário, podem me contatar em
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Podcasts semanais do Programa "Entrando em Alpha" com Maria Silvia Orlovas na Rádio Mundial FM 95,7 | AM 660. Todas as terças às 22h. O programa tem como ponto focal as mensagens dos Mestres Ascensionados da Fraternidade Branca que tem sido há anos o tema dos livros, blog com as canalizações semanais, além dos atendimentos e grupos conduzidos por Maria Silvia. No programa são abordados também assuntos do nosso dia a dia, relacionamentos, sentimentos, emoções à luz da espiritualidade, vidas p ...
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Do you want to build healthy habits, increase your productivity and well-being, or live a more mindful and meaningful life? Join Silvia and Michal, the founders of and, as they discuss all sorts of personal development related topics in a casual relaxed environment over their daily cup of tea or while they take long reflective walks in the forest.
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Falar sobre gente preta não é só falar sobre "sofrência". Pessoas negras são diversas, tem gostos, opiniões e vivências diferentes. Esse podcast vai ouvir pessoas negras de todos os perfis para falar de temas que vão muito além da pauta racial. Silvia Nascimento jornalista, fundadora e CEO do site Mundo Negro escreve sobre temática racial há 20 anos e te convida a conhecer essas pessoas negras e diversas mostrando que é possível falar sobre negritude de forma positiva e inspiradora. Amor, sa ...
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Una serie de podcasts presentada por la divulgadora y experta internacional Silvia Leal y producida por BCC Digital, agencia líder en la promoción de las personalidades más destacadas del mundo hispanohablante. Se tratarán temas de máximo interés como: la soledad, el empleo, el cambio climático, los hackers, el teletrabajo, la educación digital, los superatletas o los esports. Y lo hace de una forma nueva y original, con la colaboración de expertos como Martha Debayle, Facundo Manes, Jorge R ...
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Silvia Torres Peimbert (Silvia Torres Castilleja) es Física por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UNAM y doctora en Astronomía por la Universidad de California, Berkeley. Su línea de investigación son las nebulosas planetarias y se le reconoce como una referencia en el tema a nivel nacional e internacional. Sus colegas la describen como una mujer exigente, cuidadosa y apasionada de su trabajo. Fundadora y editora de la Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, es además investigadora emérita ...
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show series
«Quando parlo con mio figlio o mia figlia adolescente, la sensazione è quella di essere di fronte a un muro.» Come possiamo comunicare in modo efficace con loro? Nell'età della preadolescenza e dell'adolescenza iniziano a formarsi il senso di sé, la personalità e il carattere. Immaginate una piantina un po' fragile dalla quale inizia a spuntare qua…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 In this latest episode, I am joined by the off-plan roadshow heavyweight and CEO of EverNest Real Estate - Farhan Ali, multi-award winning real estate agency and top partner to Dubai's leading real estate developers Damac, Emaar, Sobha and Meeras. 🎬 Sharing his expert tips for pulling off a successful off-plan launc…
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Con Anna nos adentramos en las relaciones en el mundo empresarial. Ella es coach de autoestima, de relaciones y habilidades sociales, autora del libro “mi ambición amable” con Planeta. Si te ha aportado valor o te ha parecido de interés, te animo a que compartas el podcast con profesionales de tu sector, y que dejes una reseña o un comentario. Tu r…
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Der weltbekannte Geiger David Garrett vor seiner aufregenden „Millennium Symphony-Tour“ mit 65 Konzerten weltweit mit neu interpretierten Chart-Hits von Ed Sheeran bis Taylor Swift. Wie Garrett mit seiner Geige Hits in ein symphonisches Meisterwerk verwandelt – ein faszinierendes Gespräch über seine kreative Arbeit, seine Konzentrationswelt auf der…
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«Devi assolutamente importi e far valere la tua autorità, perché se non ti rispetta adesso figurati in adolescenza!» «Ma no, bisogna comunicare in modo più dolce e rispettoso con i figli, non serve imporsi in modo autoritario!» Due approcci completamente diversi. Chi ha ragione? Ve lo dirò tra poco nel video di oggi, dove faremo insieme un esercizi…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this exciting episode of Golden Nuggets I am joined Myles Bush, the dynamic co-founder of Phoenix Homes and former CEO of PH Real Estate, to delve into his extraordinary journey in the Dubai real estate industry. From breaking records to NOT reinventing the wheel, Myles shares his candid insights and experiences th…
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L'ansia è quella cosa che accompagna il viaggio della genitorialità fin dalla gravidanza. Sì, fa parte del pacchetto... E arriva in diversi modi, con la preoccupazione, con le paturnie, con mille scenari di ogni tipo. Vediamo tre ansie molto comuni tra i genitori per capire insieme come possiamo affrontarle al meglio e magari non farle ricadere sui…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 In this back-to-basics episode, we uncover the essentials of being a professional real estate agent with Paul Christodoulou, CEO of AQUA Properties, a company recognized three times by Forbes as a Top Real Estate Company in the Arab World. Paul, a serial real estate investor turned prominent figure in Dubai's real e…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this unmissable episode, we dive deep into the world of luxury real estate with Andrew Cummings, the Head of Residential Agency Middle East at Savills. Andrew is a multi-award-winning broker, recently recognized by Arabian Business as a Real Estate Legend. With a background in biochemistry and a master's in nationa…
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Detrás de cada empresa exitosa, hay un secreto poderoso: la unidad de su equipo. En este episodio nos adentramos en un tema crucial para el éxito de cualquier organización: la cohesión de equipos. Si te ha aportado valor o te ha parecido de interés, te animo a que compartas el podcast con profesionales de tu sector, y que dejes una reseña o un come…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! Join us for a real estate agent's survival guide episode as we explore the challenges of recruitment and retention with Nathan Kearney, MD of Executive Search. Do NOT resign from your agency before you hear what we have to say! Learn what you need to do to make sure your next move is your best move, get clarity on whi…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 Get ready for an exclusive conversation with empire builder Peter Rollings. In this unmissable episode, Peter unveils the strategies and growth stories behind two of London's most disruptive agency brands built under his transformative leadership. Peter Rollings, FRICS, is an experienced and highly successful busine…
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Ogni genitore spera che il proprio figlio o la propria figlia costruisca relazioni positive con partner e amici. In realtà, quello delle relazioni sane è un tema che parte già da molto presto e riguarda non solo chi è genitore, ma tutti noi. Nel video di oggi parlo di tre segnali che ci aiutano a: riconoscere certi allarmi che non fanno altro che d…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! Join us as we dive into the world of Keyper, a revolutionary platform reshaping the rental market. We'll explore Omar's inspiring background and the founding story of Keyper, alongside their impressive fundraising achievements. Discover how Keyper tackles landlord and tenant challenges and is helping agents close more…
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Judith Rakers hat seit dem Abschied aus der Tagesschau nicht weniger zu tun. Wie ihr kleines Start-Up Unternehmen immer größer wird, dass die Bücher, ihr Shop und das Onlinemagazin zum Homefarming für sie ein echtes Herzensanliegen sind und warum sie mit ihrem Vater eine sehr innige Beziehung hat, darüber spricht sie mit Silvia im Talk.…
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¡Hemos vuelto! We're back! 📚 Listen along as we read a story in Spanish present tense. (Escucha mientras leemos una historia en presente simple en español.) 🔍 Can you guess who the main character is? Press play to find out! (¿Puedes adivinar quién es el protagonista? ¡Dale al 'play' para descubrirlo!) 🌟 Learn key verbs and vocabulary along the way.…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 In this new season of Golden Nuggets, we're kicking off strong with Lynnette Sacchetto, renowned as the 'Data Queen of Dubai’ real estate landscape, who has just launched RealTrust in the UAE offering a suite of real estate solutions including fully digitized conveyancing and escrow services. Subscribe for more insi…
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"Silvia, ci parli sempre di stili genitoriali e di cosa interiorizziamo, ma come funziona questo processo?" Ve lo racconto con l'aiuto di alcuni reperti storici: la tovaglietta e il bavaglino del primo compleanno dei miei bimbi… Donati dai nonni, rappresentano un'eredità di qualcosa che arriva dalle generazioni precedenti. Ed è proprio qui il punto…
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Die Schauspielerin und Sängerin über die lästigen nicht erledigten Dinge im Alltag und warum sie beim Spielen weniger perfektionistisch mit sich ist, als beim Singen. Sie sagt uns, warum die Feinfühligkeit in der Kunst gut, aber im Leben kraftraubend sein kann – und verrät, dass sie ganz selten mal stillsitzen kann.…
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Comunicazione efficace. Come possiamo capire se il nostro modo di comunicare qualcosa ai nostri figli è efficace? Ho pensato a tre domande che ci aiutano a fare una sorta di verifica. Tre auto-check che passano da: chi sta parlando cosa sto dicendo è utile ciò che dico Non si tratta solo di cosa dico, ma anche di come e perché voglio trasmettere un…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 Join me and Yvette Kikuyu for a chat filled with real estate tips and personal reflections. Learn why honest communication with agents matters, how to choose the right agency, and the importance of finding your niche in the market. Join our lively uplifting conversation and get to know a little bit about me. Chat hi…
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"Questa casa non è un albergo..." 👴👵 Quante volte abbiamo sentito frasi del genere dai nostri genitori? E oggi le ripetiamo ai nostri figli... Frasi che, agli occhi dei ragazzi, ci catapultano direttamente nel mondo dei BOOMER... Un'etichetta gigante che per loro riguarda indistintamente tutti gli adulti. Ecco tre frasi che sarebbe meglio eliminare…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! Join me for a laid-back chat in this episode where we'll dive into who I am, where I came from and my important my life chapters. We've got plenty to talk about and beans to spill on my family, personal life, career journey, personal transformations and PROPOLOGI. Get to know me on a VERY personal level in this episod…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! Join me for a special episode where I'm interviewed by Joel Alexander on The Real Ones. We discuss my personal life, my journey, real estate, PropTech and much much more. [0:00] - Intro 🌟 [1:05] - Accolades and achievements 🏆 [2:53] - What did 7 year old Silvia want to become? 🎓 [4:00] - Academic life VS dropout life …
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La libertà dei bambini è un tema che mi sta molto a cuore, fin da quando ero io stessa una bambina desiderosa di non essere comandata da nessuno e di fare a modo mio. Ma come conciliamo questo bisogno con la necessità degli adulti di proteggere i bambini e di occuparsi della loro incolumità? Quanta libertà dare? Quando è troppa e quando è troppo po…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 In this episode, we uncover the inspiring journey of Daniel Hadi, a boy from Staines now running the middle east region for the top global real estate brand Engel & Völkers. Learn how he achieved success against all odds! There's no shortage of Golden Nuggets for aspiring and ambitious real estate agents, and some g…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! 🟡 In this special episode of Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi, I'm joined by Ahmed Elbatrawy, Founder of Arab MLS to discuss the arrival of a multiple listing service in the Middle East. Dive into the real story behind MLS in the Middle East and learn about the latest proptech trend determined to shape the real estat…
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"Non mi ascolta", disse il genitore. 😩 "Non mi ascolta", disse l'adolescente. 😩 Con i nostri figli adolescenti spesso si crea un paradosso... una sorta di corto circuito che rompe ogni tipo di contatto. Parlare con loro è come camminare sulle uova o aspettarsi lo scoppio di una bomba da un momento all'altro. Ma possiamo staccarci per un momento dal…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this episode of Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi, I'm joined by Neema Kataria, Managing Partner of Hunt and Harris giving us an insider's perspective on Ras Al Khaimah's real estate landscape. Neema sheds light on the distinct advantages and unique opportunities Ras Al Khaimah presents for investors and Real Estat…
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Welcome back to Sexy, Funny, Raw with Silvia Saige! This week Vinny Fasline and I had an unfiltered conversation about intimacy, turn-ons, turn-offs, and everything in between! We get into personal experiences, preferences, and the importance of open communication in relationships. From discussing the appeal of shaved backs to the nuances of person…
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Welcome back to Sexy, Funny, Raw with Silvia Saige! In this candid conversation, Vinny recounts a wild encounter, offering a glimpse into the unpredictable world of adult relationships. Get ready for a rollercoaster of emotions and laughter as we delve into the raw and unfiltered truths of intimate moments. From unexpected mishaps to embarrassing m…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this episode of Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi, I'm joined by Ghada Benitez, Founder of GG Benitez International connecting Dubai to the USA. With a great understanding of the market and a commitment to excellence, Ghada has carved a remarkable path in the realm of real estate. Join us as we explore her inspirin…
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Storia vera accaduta tanti anni fa. Mattia, mio figlio che ora ha quasi 19 anni, era ancora molto piccolo all'epoca. Avevo invitato a casa le cugine per un pranzo in famiglia e, per l'occasione, decisi di preparare un tavolino per i bambini. Al momento di pranzare, Mattia voleva sedersi al tavolo degli adulti, rifiutando categoricamente il posto ri…
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Mónica Barnès executive Coach y mentora de líderes mujeres con más de 10 años de experiencia. Su misión con el coaching que practica (coaching no directivo) es que las mujeres (mis clientas) se impulsen, se empoderen y se lideren ellas mismas. Nadie debe tener este poder sobre nadie, y menos sobre una mujer: "creo en un coaching muy respetuoso y re…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this episode of Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi, I'm joined by Cherif Sleiman, Chief Revenue Officer of Property Finder. Often dubbed as the Midas of the tech industry, Cherif undoubtedly transformed this latest episode into pure gold. ✨ There's no shortage of 'you heard it here first' moments as we reveal ground…
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Text back YOUR Golden Nuggets! In this episode of Golden Nuggets with Silvia Eldawi, I'm joined by Lewis Allsopp, Group Chairman of Allsopp & Allsopp for an episode jam packed with little known facts, solid advice and true stories (plus several walks down memory lane). 🎬 Discover how the most recognised Dubai real estate brokerage brand surged from…
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