Welcome to the Official Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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Get your copy of "Awakening" here! ➨ https://infrasonic.choons.at/rattlesnake After starting their career in 2013, Burak & Emre have been in the front line of Turkey's modern trance scene and are sensationally continuing to make their energetic and melodic music reach to large masses. The effect of the record of Johan Gielen's 2002 Trance Energy performance the duo incidentally found at a very early age still continues to weave its relentless spell on them, that's why the Burak & Emre brothe ...
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Tracklist: 1001.tl/193l29t1Subscribe on iTunes: po.st/wfhFollow on Spotify: bit.ly/bne-spotifywww.burakandemre.comwww.facebook.com/burakandemrewww.twitter.com/burakandemreDi Burak & Emre
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Welcome to the new weekly Offical Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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Welcome to the new weekly Offical Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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Welcome to the new weekly Offical Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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Welcome to the new weekly Offical Podcast from Burak & Emre. Playing the latest in trance and progressive. For all track listings please check www.burakandemre.com
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