We exist for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.
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Hospitality is a core value at Redeemer Rockwall. Jesus' ideas about what hospitality is supposed to look like were so radical and offensive to the people of his day! He spent his time with the poor, lepers, tax collectors, prostitutes. It was unthinkable! Who is God calling us to be hospitable to?Di Redeemer Rockwall
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As we continue our series on our "Mission and Values" at Redeemer Rockwall. We explore What missions are, why they're not just about changing other people lives. God intends to change us when we follow the call to go!To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at t…
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As we continue our series on our "Mission and Values" at Redeemer Rockwall. We explore what Family looks like in the light of scripture. To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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As we continue our series on our "Mission and Values" at Redeemer Rockwall. We explore what Community looks like in the light of scripture. To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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As we continue our series on our "Mission and Values" at Redeemer Rockwall. We explore what Spiritual formation looks like in the light of scripture. To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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This Sermon is the first in a new series on our "Mission and Values" at Redeemer Rockwall. We exist for the Glory of Christ and the Life Of The World. What does this mean and how should it shape us as a church? To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the lin…
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We often think of ourselves as the Good Samaritan but we see in this sermon in Luke 10 that Jesus is the Good Samaritan. He came to feel the weight of our condition, and to do something about it. Now He is calling us to "go and do likewise"! Will you follow His call? To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider…
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The New Year is coming! You're thinking about how you want it to be different. Don't settle for "reinventing" yourself. God is not interested in "reinventing" you. He want's to remake you from the inside out! In this Advent sermon on Amos we see what happens when the people of God settle for Reinvention instead of Repentance!To support the work and…
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God is with us, God is for us, now no one stand against us as we stand with Him!Di Redeemer Rockwall
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What do we do when Jesus doesn't meet our expectations? When our prayers go unanswered? And when life doesn't turn out the way we knew Jesus would want it? Advent reminds us That we're not alone in those feelings. Mary and Joseph had unmet expectations. John the Baptist had unmet expectations. The disciples too. The real question is "What is Jesus …
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Advent. The dawn of coming of the Lord. He's coming back for us. Are you ready?To support the work and worship of Redeemer, please consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below. Redeemer Rockwall
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Advent shows us, that as we long for the return of our Savior, we live in the poverty of our own autonomy. Let us not forget that we have already been given a King to rule over us. And if we order our lives under His rule he will bind up wounds and restore our hearts. We have victory in Jesus! To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe …
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The story of Esther forces you to think that maybe Christianity is way more than you "signed up for". You might have even been taught that following Jesus was supposed to make you healthier and wealthier. Or maybe that the gospel was there to make you cozy and happy on this side of heaven? But the gospel message in Esther looks less like comfort an…
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The story of Esther points back to Eve and Bathsheba, but it also points forward to Mary! They were put in just the right time and place to deliver God's people!To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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The story of Esther is reaching a boiling point. Esther and Mordecai bide their time waiting for exactly the right time to make their moves. But the story of Esther is connected to the rest of Scripture in a unique way. The only way to understand the significance of this story is to find Jesus in this passage. He's there To support the work and wor…
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In one of the most epic passages in the Old Testament Esther goes from a complicated bride to a consecrated queen with one simple decision to trust her God. But what does this have to do with Jesus? Or with us for that matter? Well, you live in the palace too. And you have to make a decision to either live the palace life or trust in God. To suppor…
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In Esther 3, Haman gets the power to kill all the Jews. He sends out an edict to proclaim that every Jewish man, woman, and child, is to be killed, and everything they own is theirs for the taking. The Serpent is still at work trying to stomp out the seed of the woman before the one who will come and crush the serpents head can be born. But the Lor…
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Esther is one of the most misunderstood characters in the Bible. Most think she is either a victim, a coward, or a sellout. The author of Esther gives us a complicated and compromised view of Esther. But those typical views of Esther look at her in isolation from the rest of the grand story of God. Maybe we should ask what does God think of Esther?…
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This sermon is the beginning of a new series on the book of Esther. As we walk through this story we will try to see it through the eyes of Jesus. To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible gift at the link below.…
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The kingdom of God is built with perfectly hewn stones fitting perfectly together crafted by God. And we are the stones. What does this have to do with The Lord's Prayer? The answer is... Everything! Come with us as we look deeper into The Lord's Prayer.We pray that you will be drawn closer to Christ as you learn to pray the way Jesus taught His di…
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The devil is real, and he's at work. Waiting for just the right moment to attack. He is patient, motivated, personal, and he seeks to devour you. The Lord's Prayer shows us that this life is a battle and this prayer is how we prepare for that battle!We pray that you will be drawn closer to Christ as you learn to pray the way Jesus taught His discip…
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James 1:13 says "God does not tempt anyone" and in Matthew 6:13 Jesus teaches his disciples to pray "... Lead us not into temptation". How can both of these be true? As we seek to grow deeper in prayer and in union with God in our fight against temptation, consider that Jesus would rather die than sin, but we would rather sin than feel like we were…
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Forgiveness is hard. But Jesus' teaching on forgiveness is even harder. Jesus challenges our ideas about forgiveness in these passages, but the question you have to answer is "Is hanging onto that grudge worth your relationship with God"? We pray that you will be drawn closer to Christ as you learn to pray the way Jesus taught His disciples in your…
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What does it mean to pray for our daily bread? More than likely, you have heard it taught, that one should pray, only for the provision of one days food. If so... you're not wrong.... but the bread makes all the difference. Jesus coins a new term when he says "Bread". It's a word that is found no where else in the Bible. And it means so much that i…
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What does it mean to pray for God's kingdom to come in the Lord's Prayer? The kingdom of God can be something mysterious to us, yet Jesus puts it at the very front of our prayer. When we see the gospel in light of the kingdom, it reveals how Jesus was teaching us to pray for the power of the gospel to be at work in our lives, especially when life g…
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Prayer is the means of leading us into communion and closeness to God. But sometimes the more we pray the more distant we feel from Him. How can prayer make us feel so close and so far from God at the same time? What really is the purpose of prayer? We search deeper into The Lord's Prayer this week in search for the answers!We pray that you will be…
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"Is God dead"? God is not dead, he is surely with us. And He is redeeming our world. We continue our Lord's Prayer sermon series and take a deep dive into the first section of the Lord's prayer. "Our Father who art in Heaven" We pray that you will be drawn closer to Christ as you learn to pray the way Jesus taught His disciples in your daily devoti…
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We begin a new journey this week into the Lord's Prayer. Maybe you've thought "I don't really know how to pray, or what to pray for"? Maybe you've been embarrassed to pray in front of others? Maybe you start to pray but you get distracted? Or maybe you're a seasoned veteran of prayer and are asked to lead groups in prayer all the time? No matter wh…
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"Mea maxima culpa" is traditionally used in a prayer of confession, and is most emphatic expression of guilt. In Luke 18 Jesus reveals what He's really after!We pray for a softness of heart for you and all of God’s people. That you would come to Jesus like the tax collector, and with empty hands, give your whole heart to Him. To support the work an…
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We close our sermon series on the seven deadly sins this week with "Anger". Looking at Absalom in 2 Sam 13 we see Absalom's desire for justice turn into a lust for vengeance. When he gets his vengeance, instead of his anger being quenched, it is only kindled until it destroys him. Stop planning your revenge and turn your eyes upon Jesus…
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Sloth = Laziness right? That's not me. I'm so busy. Im barely keeping my head above water. How am I a sloth? To understand sloth we need to start from scratch. Forget what you think you know about sloth and join us on this introspective journey into the most misunderstood of the seven deadly sins. We pray for conviction, and a softness of heart for…
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Is pride the deadliest of the seven deadly sins? Ezekiel 28 tells us that Satan opened the door to pride and pride grew into all the other deadly sins. Pride is the deadliest because it spits in the face of God. Pride removes God from His throne and places its host there. Pride makes a new covenant with us, that “we will be like God, and that we wi…
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Lust, is a rejection of Gods covenant love for us. It teaches us to always receive and never give. We pray that this sermon series on the 7 deadly sins would inspire you to put to death the Lust and pray that God will give you a new heart that longs only for Him! To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider sup…
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Greed, its not about what you own, its about what owns you! We pray that this sermon series on the 7 deadly sins would inspire you to put to death the Greed in your own heart and that you would find in it's absence the satisfaction of belonging to Jesus! To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting u…
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Gluttony is about the habits of your heart, and the health of your soul. If we're careful to examine our own hearts we shall surely find gluttony at work in us regardless of our waist size. Because gluttony is not just about food. It is a disordered appetite for more _____. Fill in the blank.We pray that this sermon series on the 7 deadly sins woul…
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This sermon on envy begins a new sermon series on the 7 deadly sins. The idea of the seven deadly sins comes out of Proverbs 6:16-19. As we dive into what envy is, and why it is "deadly". We pray you would find the tools to put to death the envy in your own heart and that you would find in it's absence the pure joy of the Spirit of God! To support …
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There are two ways of life according to 1 Peter 5. The way of The Lion, and the way of The Lamb. Peter warns us against the way the lion. Find out what Peter is talking about with us as we finish our sermon series on 1 Peter. To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by giving a tax deductible …
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To rejoice in suffering sounds crazy. It doesn't make sense right? Well Peter shows us how in 1 Peter 4 and so much more! We hope you will be blessed by this sermon on 1 Peter 4:12-19 and that you will be encouraged in the midst of your own suffering that God is with you! To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and con…
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What should we arm ourselves with in exile? We are to arm ourselves with with the mind of Christ. In addition to this we need to forsake our worldly ways of thinking. We pray you are inspired to forsake the world and arm yourselves with the mind of Christ through this sermon on 1 Peter 4. To quit being a fan of Jesus, but rather, a follower of Chri…
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Peter shows us in this passage that Jesus is our Ark, and what to do with those who revile you. And he reminds us that the Lord will put to shame those who persecute the righteous! We pray that God will draw you closer to Him through this sermon in 1 Peter 3.To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporti…
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In this sermon on 1 Peter 3, Peter shows us how to glorify God in marriage. It's an invitation to come and die to ourselves and bring life to the covenant of Marriage. We pray that God will draw you closer to Him through this sermon in 1 Peter 3.To support the work and worship of Redeemer, subscribe to our channel and consider supporting us by givi…
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There are many things in this small passage that don't seem to make sense to a modern mind. Peter is speaking the gospel into a particular time and place. Peter wants to teach us how the Church should engage the state, how the Church should engage injustice and how the Church should engage the way of Jesus Christ.We pray that God will draw you clos…
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We are all priests in exile? What does that mean? God is building a priesthood of believers. A community of redemption. It is only in this priesthood, this community, that we will find the answers to our suffering, our grief, and our pain. We are priests exiled together for the glory of Christ and the life of the world.We pray that God will draw yo…
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When was the last time you felt hope? Hope in about your life? your future? When was the last time you felt hopeless? Jesus brings us salvation that we might hope! And that our hope would be in him!We pray that God has drawn you closer to Him in this sermon on 1 Peter 1. Please consider subscribing to our channel.To support the work and worship of …
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Life these days feels like a life in exile doesn't it? Full of loss, grief, and sorrow. Peter felt the same way. But Jesus meets his people in exile. He is our God and we are his people! He meets us in our lowest, darkest times. And He will be with us even in exile to the very end!We pray that God has drawn you closer to Him in this sermon on 1 Pet…
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Simon Peter goes fishing. But he hasn't caught a thing until Jesus tells him to cast his net on the other side of the boat. What is really going on in this story? What deeper truth is buried under the surface? Find out with us as we explore John 21We pray that God has drawn closer to you in this sermon on John 21. Please consider subscribing to our…
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In this Easter Sunday sermon on John 20 we look at Thomas. Often times people use Thomas as a example of what not to do. Don't doubt, Gods got it. But doubt comes to us all more likely than we'd like to admit. But there's more to Thomas, and there's more to this story. Find out why Thomas needs to see a scarred God, and why we need Him now more tha…
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It's so hard to acknowledge that you need help. But it's even harder to ask for help if you're able to accept that you need it. Where does our help come from? Jesus gives us a window into this in the upper room. He says the helper is coming , but first He must leave us for a while. Would you rather see Jesus face to face or have The Helper indwelli…
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The way that Jesus talks about discipleship is different than the way we think about discipleship. We might hear people ask "How do I find eternal life in Jesus?" But what if someone asked... "How do I find new life in Jesus right now?" Well... the answer is easier than you might think. Because God is close to you even know. He's lifting you up, ho…
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Jesus makes promises in John 14. So anchor your soul to the spirit of God. Anchor your heart to Jesus. And anchor your mind to the Father, and our Comforting God will give you peace!We pray that God has drawn closer to you in this sermon on John 14. Please consider subscribing to our channel.To support the work and worship of Redeemer, please consi…
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