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21st August 2016_Live in Reverence and Awe_Rev Andy Morgan, Hebrews 12.18-end
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Don't Worry by Dick France, Luke 12:22-34, Sunday 7th August
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31st July 2016, Don't be a fool, Luke 12:13-21 by Rev Andy Morgan
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13th December 2015_Zephaniah 3:14-20_The Lord is mighty to save_Rev. Everton McLeod
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29-11-2015_Luke 21:25-36_Rev. Andy Morgan
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22nd November 2015_Colossians 1:13-20_Christ is No.1_Rev. Everton McLeod
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Remembrance Sunday_8th November 2015_Romans 8:31-39_Remembering the reason we remember_Rev. Andy Morgan
Remembrance Sunday_8th November 2015_Romans 8:31-39_Remembering the reason we remember_Rev. Andy Morgan
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25th October 2015_Bible Sunday_Hebrews 4:12-16_The Bible is living and active!_Rev. Everton McLeod
25th October 2015_Bible Sunday_Hebrews 4:12-16_The Bible is living and active!_Rev. Everton McLeod
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18th October 2015_Luke 10:1-9_Appointed, Anointed, Sent!_Rev E. McLeod
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11th October 2015_Harvest Sunday_Joel 2:21-28_Dick France
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27_09_2015_Numbers 11: 4-6, 10-16, 24-29_If we only had meat!_Rev.Everton McLeod
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20-09-2015_Revelation 4:1-11_Worship around the throne_Rev. Everton McLeod
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13-09-2015_James 3:1-12_The Fire Starter!_Rev Andy Morgan
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06-09-2015_2 Kings 5:9-16_What if God asks you to do something ridiculous!!_Rev Everton McLeod
06-09-2015_2 Kings 5:9-16_What if God asks you to do something ridiculous!!_Rev Everton McLeod
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30-08-2015_James 1:17-27_I’m looking at the man in the mirror!!!_Rev Everton McLeod
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23-08-2015_Joshua 24: 1-2a, 14-18_Children of God_Rev Andy Morgan
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09-08-2015_Ephesians 4:25-5:2_Children of Light_Rev Everton McLeod
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02-08-2015_John 6:24-35_Bread of heaven_Rev Andy Morgan
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26-07-2015_2 Corinthians 8:1-9_Be Generous_Rev Everton McLeod
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19-07-21-5 Mark 6:45-56_Jesus passing by_Rev Everton McLeod
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12-07-2015_Mark 5:21-34_Touching the hem of his garment_Rev Everton McLeod
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28-06-2015_1 Corinthians 13_But the greatest of these is love_Rev Everton McLeod
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Father's Day 21-06-2015 Luke 11:11-31_The Loving Father_ Rev Everton McLeod
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14-06-2015, 2 Corinthians 5:6-17, A New Creation, Dennis Croome
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07-06-2015, Sunday Morning 11:00, Andy Economides
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06-06-2015, LDRG, Andy Economides
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17-05-2015, 1 Peter 4_7-11, Serving – to bring praise to God!, Rev Everton McLeod
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24-05-2015, Acts 2_1-21, Nine in the morning!!!!, Rev Everton McLeod
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31-05-2015, 2 Corinthians 4:1-18, Morning Star, Joan Adams
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10-05-2015, Acts 10_39-48, “We are..”, Rev Andy Morgan
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03-05-2015, Acts 8_26-40, Alpha in a Chariot, Rev Everton McLeod
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26-04-2015, Acts 4_5-12, Act of Random kindness, Rev Everton McLeod
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12-04-2015, Luke 24_36b-48, God is in our Midst, Rev Andy Morgan
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12-04-2015, John 20_19-31, Jesus appears to Thomas, Dick France
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05-04-2015, Acts 10_34-44, “The miracle of the resurrection”, Rev Everton McLeod
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22-03-2015, John 12_ 20-33, “The Hour Has Come”, Rev Everton McLeod
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15-03-2015, Exodus 2_1-10, “A mother’s love”, Rev Everton McLoed
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08-03-2015, 1 Corinthians 1_18-25, The Venerable Matthew Parker
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01-03-2015, Mark 8_31-38 , Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Jesus, Rev Everton McLeod
01-03-2015, Mark 8_31-38, Deny yourself, take up your cross & follow Jesus, Rev Everton McLeod
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22-02-2015, Genesis 22:1-12, He who did not spare his own son, Rev Everton McLeod
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15-02-2015, Mark 9_ 2-9, Whiter than white, Rev Andy Morgan
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01-02-2015, Mark 1_21-28, Jesus's authority to heal, Rev Everton Mcleod
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25-01-2015, Jeremiah 1:4-10, Consumerism, Calling and Consequence, Rev Andy Morgan
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18-01-2015, Psalm 133, Christian Unity, Rev Everton McLeod
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11-01-2015, Mark 1_4 - 11, The Baptism of Jesus – a baptism of the Holy Spirit, Rev Everton McLeod
11-01-2015, Mark 1_4 - 11, The Baptism of Jesus – a baptism of the Holy Spirit, Rev Everton McLeod
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