A podcast that ponders patristic commentary on Sacred Scripture, the Sacred Liturgy and contemporary Christian living.
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We are Father's House OC-a Christian fellowship in Huntington Beach, California.
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Father’s House Christian Church is a community of believers led by pastor Greg Timms in Oak Park, Illinois. We want to love God and people well. Our mission is Family, helping to restore people and building them into Christ. Experiencing the Father's Love and impacting the Local Community & World. Enjoy our podcast and please feel free to visit us at fathershousecotn.org
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Now I know that you would love to commit to reading the Bible and other spiritual material daily, but this world just doesn't give you the luxury of having any time. It's fine, I intend to do the reading for you. What exactly? The Holy Scriptures along with the Catena Aurea. The Catena Aurea - Latin for "Golden Chain" is a collection of biblical commentaries by the Church Fathers and other early ecclesiastical writers compiled by the Angelic Doctor himself, St. Thomas Aquinas.
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OUR MISSION is to bring people into God's Family, build them up into Christ's maturity and launch them out to do the same for others in the power of the Spirit.
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Fathers of the Church and Catholic Church History with Mike Aquilina - Discerning Hearts
Kris McGregor
Trusted Catholic Spiritual Formation and Direction
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This podcast channel is coming to you under the auspices of Father's house bible church Warri, Delta state Nigeria. This podcast channel has the vision of taking the undiluted word of God to the ends of the earth, Dr Richmond Leigh and Dr Silvia Lia Leigh are anointed ministers of God called by God to point the nations to the Lord Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. This podcast channel brings you the message of the gosple of Jesus in a weekly podcast sermon that will deeply enrich y ...
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine’s Homily 254 pondering today’s proclamation from Saint Luke, 13:1-9.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catechesis 12 pondering today’s proclamation from Saint Luke, 9:28-36. Today’s blog article (https://patrolo.gy/seb) ponders Jesus’ Transfiguration.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen of Alexandria’s Framents on Luke pondering today’s proclamation from Saint Luke, 4:1-13. Today’s blog article (https://patrolo.gy/vfz) ponders Jesus’ desert experience.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catechesis 3 pondering today’s proclamation from Saint Paul, 1 Corinthians 15:54-58.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Homily 376a pondering today’s Gospel proclamation, Luke 6:27-38.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Christian Mode of Living pondering today’s Gospel proclamation, Luke 6:20-26.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catechesis 14 pondering today’s Second Reading proclamation, 1 Corinthians 15. Today’s blog article (https://patrolo.gy/veb) offers a reflection on the Hebrew word qadosh, to ponder in the context of God’s call of Isaiah to the prophetic ministry.…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Cyril of Jerusalem’s Catechesis 15 pondering today’s First Reading proclamation, Malachi 3:1-4.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen’s Homily 32 on the Gospel of Luke pondering today’s Gospel proclamation, Luke 1:1-4; 4:14-21. Additional reflections on the “Prologue” of the Gospel according to Saint Luke can be found at my blog. In addition, Pope Francis has designated the Third Sunday in Ordinary Time as «Word of God Sunday.» His …
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine’s Tractate 9 pondering today’s Gospel proclamation, John 2:1-11. Additional reflections on Isaiah and “vindication” based on today’s First Reading can be found at my blog.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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The Name Of Jesus (Part Five) - CRC 2022
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1:31:09In this special series from the 2022 Charismatic Renewal Camp meeting, Reverend Sam Chiaka explores the concept of The Name Of Jesus. From theological framework to the practical implications, this series of messages is a profound and powerful expository of the Name that is above all names and will change your life…
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The Name Of Jesus (Part Four) - CRC 2022
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2:04:38In this special series from the 2022 Charismatic Renewal Camp meeting, Reverend Sam Chiaka explores the concept of The Name Of Jesus. From theological framework to the practical implications, this series of messages is a profound and powerful expository of the Name that is above all names and will change your life…
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The Name Of Jesus (Part Three) - CRC 2022
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1:23:11In this special series from the 2022 Charismatic Renewal Camp meeting, Reverend Sam Chiaka explores the concept of The Name Of Jesus. From theological framework to the practical implications, this series of messages is a profound and powerful expository of the Name that is above all names and will change your life…
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The Name Of Jesus (Part Two) - CRC 2022
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1:11:12In this special series from the 2022 Charismatic Renewal Camp meeting, Reverend Sam Chiaka explores the concept of The Name Of Jesus. From theological framework to the practical implications, this series of messages is a profound and powerful expository of the Name that is above all names and will change your life…
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The Name Of Jesus (Part One) - CRC 2022
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1:17:15In this special series from the 2022 Charismatic Renewal Camp meeting, Reverend Sam Chiaka explores the concept of The Name Of Jesus. From theological framework to the practical implications, this series of messages is a profound and powerful expository of the Name that is above all names and will change your life…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen’s Homily 27 pondering today’s Gospel proclamation, Luke 3:15-16, 21-22. Additional reflections on Isaiah and “gospel” based on today’s First Reading can be found at my blog.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Peter Chrysologus’ Homily 156: Epiphany and the Magi, grounded in today’s Gospel proclamation, Matthew 2:1-12. Additional reflections on Epiphany, specifically on the Magi and discipleship can be found at my blog.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Ephrem of Syria’s Hymn on the Nativity, 1 pondering John 1 proclaimed “At the Mass during the Day” on the Solemnity of the Nativity of the Lord.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen’s Homily 7 pondering Luke 1 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog (https://patrolo.gy/62257c) article reflects on Mary’s travel from Nazareth to Ein Karem to visit Elizabeth.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Pope Saint Gregory the Great’s Homily 6 pondering Luke 3 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen’s Homilies on Luke pondering Luke 3 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday. Additionally, an article appears on my blog (https://patrolo.gy/9b8d5e) reflecting on the Gospel imperative, “Prepare.”Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Pope Saint Leo the Great’s Homily 28 pondering Jeremiah 33 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Tractate 115 pondering John 18 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint John Chrysostom’s Against Judaizing Christians pondering Hebrews 10 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen of Alexandria’s “Homily 9” from his Homilies on Leviticus pondering Hebrews 9 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Christian Mode of Living pondering Deuteronomy 6 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog article reflects on the necessity of listening as proclaimed in this Sunday’s Scriptures from Deuteronomy and the Gospel according to Saint Mark.…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nazianzus’ Theological Oration 3 pondering Hebrews 5 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nazianzus’ Theological Oration 4 pondering Mark 10 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Jerome of Bethlehem’s Homily 53 pondering Mark 2 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog entry reflects on the proclamation at Mass from The Letter to the Hebrews - https://patrolo.gy/8ddd53Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s On Faith and the Creed pondering Hebrews 2 proclaimed at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog entry reflects on Jesus’ declaration captured by Saint Mark, “But in the beginning ..” - https://patrolo.gy/8suDi Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nyssa’s On the Christian Mode of Life pondering Jesus’ teaching proclaimed from Mark 9:38-48 at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog entry reflects on existing in Jesus - https://patrolo.gy/bl2Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nyssa’s On Perfection pondering Jesus’ teaching proclaimed from Mark 9:30-37 at Mass this Sunday. This Sunday’s blog entry ponders Jesus’ intent to give The Twelve a deeper teaching on His impending passion, death and Resurrection - https://patrolo.gy/3pb…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Caesarius of Arles’ Homily 159 pondering Jesus’ teaching proclaimed from Mark 8:27-35 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ question to Peter and, essentially, to all disciples (https://patrolo.gy/7x0).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Prudentius’ A Hymn for Every Hour pondering Jesus’ teaching proclaimed from Mark 7:31-37 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ groan and declaration, Ephphatha! (https://patrolo.gy/blp).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Tertullian of Carthage’s On Patience pondering Jesus’ teaching proclaimed from Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders listening to Jesus’ hard teaching. (https://patrolo.gy/w3x).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Tractate 27 pondering Jesus’ “Bread of Life” discourse proclaimed from John 6:60-69 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders listening to Jesus’ hard teaching. (https://patrolo.gy/3ab).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Tractate 26 pondering Jesus’ “Bread of Life” discourse proclaimed from John 6:51-58 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ command to ‘eat His flesh and drink His blood.’ (https://patrolo.gy/w6i).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine of Hippo’s Tractate 26 pondering Jesus’ “Bread of Life” discourse proclaimed from John 6:41-51 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders the biblical experience of murmuring. (https://patrolo.gy/j1e).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Ephrem of Edessa’s Commentary on Tatian’s Diatessaron pondering Jesus’ “Bread of Life” discourse proclaimed from John 6:24-35 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders the crowd frantically seeking Jesus after He multiplied the loaves and fishes and fed them. (https://patrolo.gy/Sunday18).…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine’s Tractate 24 pondering Jesus’ multiplication of the loaves and fishes proclaimed from John 6:1-15 at Mass today. This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ actions feeding the crowd. (https://patrolo.gy/gu3).Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Pope Saint Leo the Great’s Homily 28 pondering Jeremiah’s prophecy that God will raise up a righteous branch as proclaimed at Mass today (Jeremian 23:1-6). This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ causing the disciples to gather and to rest in the silence of the desert. (https://patrolo.gy/xjg).…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Prudentius’ Spiritual Combat pondering Jesus’ charge to the Twelve to take nothing with them as He sends them forth with His authority and power (Mark 6:7-13). This Sunday’s blog article ponders Jesus’ summons of the Twelve and giving them His authority (https://patrolo.gy/372f83).…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Augustine’s Letter 130 (Letter to Proba) pondering Saint Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians proclaimed at Mass today.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Basil the Great’s Question 8 from his Long Rules pondering Saint Paul’s Second Letter to the Corinthians proclaimed at Mass today. You may also be interested in an article posted on my blog (https://patrolo.gy/82m) pondering Jesus’ healings proclaimed at Mass today.…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Gregory of Nazianzus’ Theological Oration 3 pondering the Gospel Text proclaimed at Mass today.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen’s Homilies on Ezekiel pondering the prophetic Text proclaimed at Mass today. You may also be interested in an article posted on my blog (https://patrolo.gy/ji1) reflecting on Jesus’ use of parables in His Public Ministry.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Saint Ephrem’s Commentary on Genesis pondering God’s confronting Adam, Eve and the Serpent ... in chapter 3 of Genesis proclaimed at Mass today. You may also be interested in an article posted on my blog (https://patrolo.gy/2l5) reflecting on the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit which Jesus addressed in thi…
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen of Alexandria’s Homily on Leviticus, which provides some background for approaching Jesus’ sacrifice of Himself as presented in the Letter to the Hebrews, the Second Reading at Mass today. The third and final podcast of the Spring semester, Undergraduate Theology Conversations, has been posted at http…
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A conversation with undergraduate students on a variety of theological topics that have impacted them in the study of theology within the General Education curriculum. This third and final episode of the semester welcomes Alicja, a business intellience major.Di Fr Mark J Hunt
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Today’s podcast features an excerpt from Origen of Alexandria’s Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans. Romans 8:14-17 is proclaimed at Mass today. The second podcast, Undergraduate Theology Conversations, has been posted at https://bit.ly/4aB5hVS. Finally, an I have posted an article on theological mystery on my blog, https://bit.ly/4aw6NsF.…
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