Foreign Affairs, Política Internacional. TSF Radio News. Portugal. O Estado do Sítio. Mapa Mundo. TSF Europa. Revista de Imprensa Internacional.
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Passionné d’actualité, Alexandre Dubé décortique les plus récentes nouvelles en compagnie d’observateurs chevronnés. Partagez vos réactions avec Alexandre par courriel :
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Alexandre Soljenitsyne Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Music for/with/without #guitar. ---
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Comentários do jornalista Alexandre Garcia sobre política nacional na Gazeta do Povo.
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Alexandre Moranville-Ouellet est un jeune journaliste curieux. Il analyse et commente l'actualité avec des experts et plusieurs invités.
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Just about my life
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Jornalismo oral, desde 2006
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Os bastidores e os destaques diários da política nacional
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Seja bem-vinda(o) ao meu PodCast. Aqui há reflexões, entrevistas, opiniões e informação.
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Bem vindo ao comemorativo
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Podcast by Alexandre Borges
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Os bastidores do mundo da publicidade e do marketing.
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Podcast by Alexandre Cury
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Crisis management and public relations expert, Alexandrea Merrell talks all things reputation. From personal and business branding, adult bullying, work-place hostility, and cyber harassment, to dealing with revenge reviews, disgruntled ex-employees and former customers, and building a good karma, more bully-proof personal, professional, and business reputation, in this call-in radio show.
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Welcome to the Alexandre Lira podcast, where amazing things happen. Cover art photo provided by Markus Spiske on Unsplash:
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Welcome to the NELSON Alexandre EDSouza podcast, where amazing things happen.
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Entrepreneur et Auteur du livre Investir dans les parkings pour créer sa liberté financière
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Alexandre Amani
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Para muitos, ele salvou a democracia. Para outros, é o grande vilão. Além dos extremos, quem é Alexandre de Moraes? A repórter Thais Bilenky conta, em 6 capítulos, tudo que descobriu sobre o protagonista inesperado da eleição mais acirrada da história do Brasil.Uma produção original da Trovão Mídia com a revista piauí.Gostou da trilha sonora? Ela está disponível nos streamings de música. Basta digitar "Alexandre (Podcast)" na busca. --Este podcast é uma reportagem, uma série narrativa jornal ...
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Podcast by Alexandre Montenegro 2
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Alexandre Sales nasceu em São Paulo em 1974, em uma família de origem simples. Formou-se em Comunicação Social pela UNISA e trabalhou na área comercial da indústria farmacêutica. Durante sua pós-graduação em Gestão Empresarial pela FGV Porto Alegre, em 2005, quando estava em rápida ascensão na carreira, foi chamado para se tornar pastor em tempo integral. Em 2024, fundou a igreja Salvation Porto Alegre ao lado de sua esposa, Valéria, e de sua filha, Rafaela. Alexandre tem dedicado sua vida a ...
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Deutsch Sprechen
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Análise profunda e bem humorada do cenário econômico brasileiro.
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O surgimento da Filosofia Cover art photo provided by Kristina Kashtanova on Unsplash:
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Este canal é destinado ao Desenvolvimento Humano por meio da Neurociência e Espiritualidade. Serão tratados assuntos como Comportamento, Espiritualidade, Prosperidade, Auto-Hipnose, Programação Neurolinguística, Reprogramação Mental e Neuro Performance e Psicologia Transpessoal.
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Join Alexandre-Marie; Haitian-American, single mom dedicated to her two children, Serial Entrepreneur, Behavioral Cognitive Therapist and Wellness Life Coach as she interviews rising stars; gives entrepreneurs, artists, influencers, and other members of the Black community a space to share stories, inspire, motivate, speak on Black culture and what's affecting the Black community. Follow her Podcast on IG | FB @alexandremarie_talks Shop at Soleil Beauty Botanicals Health Beauty, Wellness, CB ...
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Voici ce que vous réserve cette journée ainsi que les signes chanceux d'aujourd'hui! Bonne journée!
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Become a Paid Subscriber: All content also available on Patreon: Ever wish he'd and talk to you about anything? One-way ASMR roleplay. Just for you. -Alexandre
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Edmond Dantès, a young seaman with a promising future, is arrested at his wedding ceremony under calomnious charges, and locked up in the Chateau d’If for 14 years. During this time, he secretly meets another detainee, l’Abbé Faria, an erudite believed to be insane, who becomes his friend and teacher, and who, upon his death, gives Edmond the secret to a hidden treasure. Dantès then manages to escape, almost drowning in the process, and is believed by all to be dead. With the knowledge and t ...
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1 | Ecos de Toulouse: La institución, lo colectivo y la adolescencia. Entrevista à Alexandre Stevens es el sitio de audios y conferencias de la Asociación Mundial de Psicoanálisis.
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Written by French author Alexandre Dumas, The Count of Monte Cristo follows the life of Edmond Dantes as he embarks on a journey of revenge after being wrongly imprisoned and set up by none other than his so-called friends. Set during the years after the fall of Napoleon’s empire, the story unwinds in several locations including Paris, Marseilles, Rome, Monte Cristo and Constantinople. A handsome young sailor and soon to be ship captain Edmond Dantes seems to have it all in life, as he retur ...
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First serialized from January to August, 1845, Twenty Years After is the second book in The D’Artagnan Romances, and follows the gallant adventures of the musketeers, as they are once again summoned to alleviate the various threats that lurk in the political scene of France, as the country is threatened by a possible uprising. Enriched with exciting and well-developed characters, the novel adds more detail to its familiar characters, as the musketeers have matured and are portrayed in a more ...
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Mapa Mundo - TSF - 16-01-25 - ONLINE VERSION - Vem aí Trump!!! E então? Respondem Diana Soller e José Gomes André
Di Ricardo Alexandre
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Alexandre Garcia comenta decisão de Moraes sobre viagem de Bolsonaro aos EUA, sugestão de Maduro para o Brasil invadir Porto Rico, caso do Pix e reforma tributária.Di Gazeta do Povo
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P38 Ungaresca by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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Retrouvez tous les épisodes sur l’appli Radio FranceDi Radio France
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Ép. 31/12 | Rien de va plus pour Justin Trudeau…
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Dans cet épisode intégral du 31 décembre, en entrevue : Mario Beaulieu, député de La Pointe-de-l’île, porte-parole du Bloc Québécois en matière de Langues officielles. Amélie Boisjoly-Lavoie, surintendante-adjointe par intérim, programme d’Intervention environnementale et dangers maritimes de la Garde côtière canadienne Louis Cyr, courtier en assur…
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Mapa Mundo - TSF - 16-01-25 - Vem aí Trump!!! E então? Respondem Diana Soller e José Gomes André
Di Ricardo Alexandre
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Alexandre Garcia comenta revogação do monitoramento do Pix, cessar-fogo na Faixa de Gaza e falta de cortesia com ex-ministro Cristovam Buarque.Di Gazeta do Povo
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Alexandre Garcia comenta custos do Janjapalooza, vigilância em cima do Pix e novo imposto sindical.Di Gazeta do Povo
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Alexandre Garcia comenta defesa da censura feita por governo e jornalistas, e resultado da redação do Enem.Di Gazeta do Povo
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P39 Sale Reveur by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P50 La Truite by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P41 Boogie Mineur En Mi by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P44 Ritournelle N3 by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P41 Boogie Ternaire En Mi by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P51 Passe - Partout by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P45 Orlando Sleepeth by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P51 Les Faubourgs D Elseneur by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P30 Touche - Coule by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P29 The Old Lady by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P36 Maria Del Mar by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P44 L Ile Des Mers Gelees by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P37 Vidalita by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P42 Petit Bonhomme by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P42 Ritournelle N2 by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P51 Intermede by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P50 Ode A La Joie by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P32 Comme Une Improbable Valse by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P45 Bourree Sicilienne by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P37 Habanera by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P40 The Golden Ring by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P29 El Arroyelo by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P38 Les Quatre Saisons by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P40 Ritournelle N1 by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P39 Hydra by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P31 De Trlport A Fulbaines by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P43 Greensleeves by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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P33 Pavane by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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Alexandre Garcia comenta a inflação no Brasil, a desaprovação de Lula e o silêncio do presidente em relação à “posse” de Maduro.Di Gazeta do Povo
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Di Ricardo Alexandre
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O Estado do Sítio - TSF - 11 de janeiro de 2025 - Venezuela, Moçambique, Ucrânia, Palestina e entrevista ao Embx. Israel. VERSÃO ON-AIR
Di Ricardo Alexandre
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O Estado do Sítio - TSF - 11 de janeiro de 2025 - Venezuela, Moçambique, Ucrânia, Palestina e entrevista ao Embx. Israel. Full Version
Di Ricardo Alexandre
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Mapa Mundo - 09 de janeiro de 2025 - Tudo sobre Moçambique - Com Cláudia Generoso de Almeida, Natália Bueno e Justino Quina. Versão integral aqui!
Di Ricardo Alexandre
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Alexandre Garcia comenta “posse” de Maduro, a conivência de Lula e os discursos hipócritas pró-democracia da quarta-feira.Di Gazeta do Povo
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5 Preludes, W419 : No 4 in E Minor by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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5 Preludes, W419 : No 2 in E Major by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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5 Preludes, W419 : No 5 in D Major by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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5 Preludes, W419 : No 1 in E Minor by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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5 Preludes, W419 : No 3 in A Minor by Alexandre GérardDi Alexandre Gérard
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Alexandre Garcia comenta manutenção da prisão da cabeleireira Débora, frases de Lula em ato do 8 de janeiro, e envio de embaixadora à posse de Maduro.Di Gazeta do Povo
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Di Ricardo Alexandre
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