Dr. Neal Patterson has traveled widely, ministering in Europe, the Middle East, throughout many nations in Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. A constant speaker in Pastoral conferences and Seminars his sound balanced teaching has been an inspiration to many.
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https://ia601503.us.archive.org/9/items/WalkingInResurrectionLifeDrNealPatterson/Walking_in_resurrection_life_-_Dr_Neal_Patterson.mp3Di Dr. Neal Patterson
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https://ia601501.us.archive.org/10/items/472017KingdomParablesTalentsPoundsDrNeal_201709/4-7-2017_Kingdom_Parables_Talents_Pounds_Dr_Neal.mp3Di Dr. Neal Patterson
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https://ia601503.us.archive.org/3/items/ng_the_spirit_of_self_survival_-_Dr_Neal_Patterson/ng_the_spirit_of_self_survival_-_Dr_Neal_Patterson.mp3Di Dr. Neal Patterson
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https://ia601505.us.archive.org/12/items/TRANSFORMATIONByDr.NealPatterson/TRANSFORMATION_by_Dr._Neal_Patterson.mp3 The importance of the Transformation of God in our livesDi Dr. Neal Patterson
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[audio https://ia601502.us.archive.org/25/items/3ConscienceOfTheKingdom/3%20Conscience%20of%20the%20Kingdom.mp3] Dr. Neal Patterson has traveled widely, ministering in Europe, the Middle East, throughout many nations in Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. A constant speaker in Pastoral Conferences and Seminars his sound balanced teachin…
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[audio https://ia601506.us.archive.org/22/items/2ConductOfTheKingdom/2%20Conduct%20of%20the%20Kingdom.mp3] Dr. Neal Patterson has traveled widely, ministering in Europe, the Middle East, throughout many nations in Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. A constant speaker in Pastoral Conferences and Seminars his sound balanced teaching has …
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https://ia801508.us.archive.org/30/items/1CharacterOfTheKingdom/1%20Character%20of%20the%20kingdom.mp3 Dr. Neal Patterson has traveled widely, ministering in Europe, the Middle East, throughout many nations in Asia, North America, Australia and New Zealand. A constant speaker in Pastoral conferences and Seminars his sound balanced teaching has been…
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