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Do you seek transformation? Join A.O.B Olagunju as he inspires you with the truth of God's word and other life proven principles that'll help you grow spiritually, enjoy mental immunity and emotional balance. If you consistently yearn for positive change, this podcasts will help you claim your mind power, redefine your relationship with doubt and fear, and build a new life centred around true success. I Share Strategies For Mindfulness, Entrepreneurship, Peak Performance, Work-Life Balance & ...
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Í Undralandi Ólafssona er allt morandi í kanínuholum. Aron og Arnar reyna að tipla á tánum í kringum þær en eiga það til annað slagið að falla ofan í þær með tilheyrandi pælingum og vitleysu. Í Undralandi eru þó ekki einungis kanínuholur heldur líka fullt af glensi og meðþví!
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Jestem nauczycielem języka angielskiego. Pomagam przełamać barierę językową. Nagrywam podcast po angielsku a w nim: -porady jak pokonać barierę i zacząć swobodnie mówić po angielsku -zwroty i wyrażenia niezbędne w komunikacji -gramatyka w praktyce -nauka przez seriale i teksty piosenek
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Olá, Gabs

Gabs Ferreira

Ogni mese+
Tecnologia sob a perspectiva humana. Reflexões sobre a vida em um universo em constante transformação, compartilhadas através de histórias inspiradoras e discussões envolventes que colocam as pessoas em primeiro plano. Um podcast que vai melhorar seu dia.
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Olaf Mann ist ein erfolgreicher Fitness- & Natural Bodybuilding Coach in seiner Wahlheimat München, sowie passionierter Athlet im deutschen Natural Bodybuilding und ehemaliger Kampfsportler. In seinem Podcast lässt Olaf Athleten und Experten aus dem Natural Bodybuilding und auch aus anderen Sportarten zu Wort kommen. Die Gespräche drehen sich um Natural Bodybuilding, Kampfsport, Sport im Allgemeinen, Ernährung und gelegentlich ein wenig Psychologie, eben alles rund um einen gesunden Lebensstil.
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Beyond Code, czyli rozmowy pierdololo 😉 Ola Kunysz rozmawia z ludźmi z IT o rzeczach kompletnie niezwiązanych z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania. Ola jest w branży od kilkunastu lat. Poznała wiele ciekawych osób, które zaprasza do rozmowy na różne tematy. To seria podcastów podczas których możesz dowiedzieć się jak lepiej pracować i zainspirować się tym, co ludzie z IT robią po godzinach. Ciekawe pasje, dbanie o zdrowie, różne ścieżki rozwoju, umiejętności miękkie i unikanie wypalenia zawodowego. ...
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Burda Olan Burda Kalır

Zafer Algöz Can Yılmaz

Ogni mese+
Zafer Algöz ve Can Yılmaz'ın sunumuyla gerçekleşen #BurdaOlanBurdaKalır yeni konu ve konuklarıyla sizlerle! Burda Olan Burda Kalır Youtube kanalıyla ilgili talep, öneri ve görüşlerinizi bobk@cmylmzfikirsanat.com e-posta adresine iletebilirsiniz. *Can Yılmaz Twitter @canyilmaz1 / Instagram @68canylmz Zafer Algöz Twitter @zaferalgoz / Instagram @kendiismim
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Powitaj świat pełen inspiracji, motywacji i odważnych historii kobiet sukcesu w każdej dziedzinie. #GIRLBOSSKIE to przestrzeń, gdzie Ola Gościniak opowiada o szeroko pojętym biznesie i byciu #GirlBoss oraz zaprasza wyjątkowe kobiety, które przełamują bariery i osiągają swoje cele. Razem odkrywają kluczowe momenty, drogę do sukcesu oraz udostępniają cenne wskazówki dla wszystkich, którzy dążą do spełnienia swoich marzeń. Dołącz do nas, aby czerpać inspirację, zdobywać wiedzę i budować siebie ...
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Welcome to the Get Richer Teacher Podcast. My name is Ola and I'll be your guide and mentor on your way to a profitable, sustainable, but most importantly, enjoyable language education business. And why would you care to do that? To build a business like that? Because there is literally no other way. The language education market is in a bizarre state. Companies making millions in profit yet paying teachers peanuts. Native speakerism is still way too powerful. And finally, the students are b ...
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Türkiye'nin polisiye dergisi Dedektif, Olay Yeri isimli podcast serisi ile karşınızda. Bu seride polisiye yazarları ile bir araya gelip, röportajlar gerçekleştireceğiz. Polisiye kitapları, dizileri ve filmleri inceleyip, sizler ile paylaşacağız.
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The COF Olavo de Carvalho podcast is a dedicated audio series that explores the teachings, thoughts, and philosophy of Olavo de Carvalho, a Brazilian philosopher known for his deep analyses on topics such as politics, culture, history, and spirituality. The podcast brings together conversations, lectures, and reflections that reveal his unique perspective on contemporary society and traditional values. Engaging and thought-provoking, this series aims to reach audiences interested in Carvalho ...
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Laga Raga merupakan podcast berita olahraga terkini oleh Wavesuara. Berita pertandingan, score dan lainnya dari berbagai aspek olahraga baik nasional, maupung internasional. Disajikan oleh salah satu tokoh influencer musik, Mr.Panda. Kenali wavesuara : www.wavesuara.com
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Acceleratore di apprendimento olandese

Language Learning Accelerator

Ogni settimana
Se stai cercando di pensare a come imparare l'olandese, stai sbagliando. Impara l'olandese come hai fatto l'italiano: ascoltandone moltissimo. (Con almeno una vaga idea di cosa significhi!) Migliaia di frasi in olandese, insieme alle traduzioni in italiano, presentate direttamente al tuo cervello: dal pratico al filosofico al flirt. Solo frasi, nessun riempitivo! Vai ben oltre le basi della lingua olandese non solo per comunicare, ma anche per diventare una persona interessante in olandese. ...
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Podium Podcast

Ogni mese
El 27 de noviembre de 1983, un Boeing 747 Jumbo de la compañía colombiana Avianca cayó envuelto en llamas en una pequeña vaguada de Mejorada del Campo.
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show series
Feeling overwhelmed by too many ideas for new offers, social media posts and and different ways to help your clients? In episode 157 of Ger richer, teacher podcast I explore how to celebrate your creative brain while keeping it productive and aligned with your business goals. Key Takeaways: Embrace Your Creative Mind Your constant flow of ideas is …
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Zapisz się na darmowe lekcje angielskiego na teacherola.com/newsletter 📑Worksheet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/e3n9z0 🙊Transkrypcja: https://teacherola.com/271 Ciągle analizujesz swoje wypowiedzi po angielsku? Boisz się popełniać błędy i myślisz, że inni Cię oceniają? Stop! W tym odcinku pokażę Ci, dlaczego perfekcjonizm to Twój…
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"Nossa, como você consegue fazer tanta coisa assim?" O segredo é fazer tudo mal feito. Um episódio sobre como foi possível se dar relativamente bem na vida, fazendo (quase) tudo de um um jeito bem mais ou menos. E como isso está mudando. ⁠Clique aqui e abra sua conta na Husky⁠⁠⁠ com taxa zero na primeira transferência. Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comu…
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Marta Baranowska to optometrystka z 11-letnim doświadczeniem, która przebadała w swojej karierze już ponad 9 tysięcy pacjentów. Od 2021 roku pracuje jako QA Specialist w Ulam Labs. W 2024 roku zaczęła aktywnie występować na konferencjach testerskich, prowadzi również szkolenia dla firm dotyczące zdrowia oczu w cyfrowym świecie. Marta rozwija swój p…
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Kiedy myślę o Konferencji Girlbosskie i Gali Kursory Roku 2024, wciąż czuję ogromne wzruszenie. Ten dzień był dla mnie wyjątkowy, pełen emocji i niesamowitej energii, którą wypełniliście każdą salę, każdy zakątek wydarzenia.Organizacja tego przedsięwzięcia była wielkim wyzwaniem – logistycznym, emocjonalnym i osobistym. Ale wiecie co? Warto było. P…
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Neste episódio, e Guilherme Rambo recebe o convidado Gustavo Guanabara, do Curso em Vídeo, pra um papo muito interessante sobre seu trabalho de mais de 30 anos ensinando jovens a programar. Patrocínio Firmou Consultoria: Soluções contábeis e empresariais especializadas para startups, desenvolvedores, profissionais liberais, pequenas e médias empres…
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Já þið lásuð rétt kæru hlustendur. Nú fara jólin að nálgast og að sjálfösgðu hentum við í jóla-nostalgíu eins og fyrri ár. Eins og oft vill þó gerast þá fór umræðan um víðan völl og meðal annars poppaði Jóhannes Haukur upp hjá okkur. Gleðilega hátíð kæru hlustendur og hafið það huggulegt yfir hátíðarnar!…
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannDer letzte Coach Roundtable mit Olaf und Holger für das Jahr 2024 startet mit einem Update zu HBNs Produktpalette:So gibt Holger weitere Produktdetails zu den anstehenden Neuankömmlingen „Neuro Shield“ (ein neurokognitives Produkt gegen Neuroinflammation) und „First Defense“ (dem idealen Helfer in jeder Erkältungssaiso…
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In episode 156 of Get richer, teacher podcast, I’m talking about financial stability in your language business. If you’re stuck, underpaid, or unsure how to grow, this episode is for you. Key Points: Commitment Is Everything Your business is like a relationship – it needs your full commitment. When you’re all in, that’s when the magic happens. One-…
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Jak czerpać z sukcesów i porażek pełnymi garściami?Biznes bywa niczym jazda rollercoasterem – pełen wzlotów, ale i gwałtownych spadków. Podczas Gali Kursory Roku 2024 Ola Gościniak, znana jako Jestem Interaktywna, opowiedziała, jak z sukcesów i porażek czerpać pełnymi garściami. Zamiast ukrywać trudne momenty, Ola pokazała, że nawet w obliczu wyzwa…
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Uma conversa sobre os desafios de transição de carreira e o processo de ir contra a cultura do aprendizado rápido. ⁠Clique aqui e abra sua conta na Husky⁠⁠ com taxa zero na primeira transferência. Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comunidade ⁠⁠⁠⁠Olá, Gabs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ no Discord⁠⁠⁠⁠. Me siga nas redes: Bluesky ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠I…
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannIm heutigen Gespräch zwischen Olaf und Andre Patris, Coach & Headjudge der EVO Classic, geht es unter anderem um folgende Themen:- Was hebt die EVO Classic von anderen Wettkämpfen ab? Und was hat die EVO Classic, den größten Natural Bodybuilding Wettkampf 2024, zu so einem Erfolg werden lassen?- Welches Feedback gibt A…
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Zapisz się na darmowe lekcje angielskiego na teacherola.com/newsletter 📑Worksheet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/p0v2p5 🙊Transkrypcja: https://teacherola.com/270 Zimowy czas to idealny moment, by wzbogacić swoje słownictwo. W tym odcinku poznasz praktyczne i codzienne zwroty po angielsku związane z zimą, które pomogą Ci brzmieć na…
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In the most recent episode of The A.O.B Olagunju Podcast, titled "The Process (Not The Outcome) Defines Your Person," listeners are taken on a thought-provoking journey into the profound idea that one's character is shaped more by the journey than the destination. A.O.B Olagunju, the insightful host, delves deep into the significance of embracing t…
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In this episode, I’m getting real and sharing some of the behind-the-scenes messiness of how my life shapes my business – not the other way around. If you haven’t listened to my episode about making £100K in a year, go check it out for extra context. But today we’re talking about freedom, healing and figuring out what really matters. Here’s what I …
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Nesse papo com Cris Dias, a mente idealizadora e a voz por trás do Boa Noite Internet, mergulho no conceito de tecnofeudalismo para entender como chegamos ao ponto onde grandes empresas de tecnologia controlam nosso trabalho digital. ⁠Clique aqui e abra sua conta na Husky⁠⁠ com taxa zero na primeira transferência. Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comunidade…
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannLUKO-GYM ist euch wahrscheinlich bereits ein Begriff, wenn ihr nicht schon Fans der Marke seid. Heute zu Gast bei Stronger Than You ist Gründer und Inhaber der Marke, Luca Koch.Er erzählt wie es zu LUKO-GYM gekommen ist und was genau die Marke eigentlich alles umfasst. Des Weiteren sprechen Olaf und Luca über Sponsorin…
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Richer, Teacher podcast, I’m unpacking how overthinking affects us all—plus the steps you can take to regain control and stop sabotaging your success. What You'll Find in This Episode: Why overthinking is a symptom of being in a fight-or-flight mode, not a fixed personality trait The link between perfectionism, people-pleasing, decision paralysis, …
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Snorri Másson er góðvinur Undralandsins og því fengum við hann til að fara yfir stefnur og strauma í stjórnmálum á mannamáli. Því verður þó ekki leynt að drengurinn er sjálfur í framboði og til að gæta hlutleysis var inngripum beitt ef umræðan varð of fjólublá. Úr varð þáttur sem mun að öllum líkindum gera þig, kæri hlustandi, fróðari fyrir kosning…
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Uma conversa com Tammy Silva, especialista em carreira internacional, sobre que as pessoas que trabalham pra fora tem de diferencial (se é que elas têm). ⁠Clique aqui e abra sua conta na Husky⁠⁠ com taxa zero na primeira transferência. Onde encontrar vagas em tecnologia? Assista esse vídeo que gravei com a Tammy. Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comunidade …
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannEndlich gibt es wieder eine Runde Real Talk mit dem einzig wahren Mr Powerlifting, Markus Beuter. Und was können Olaf und Markus besser als fachsimpeln? Genau, eure Fragen beantworten.So geht es heute unter anderem darum wie genau Markus aktuell trainiert (inklusive Bandagentraining), was es eigentlich heißt im submaxi…
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Neste episódio, e Guilherme Rambo recebe o convidado Maurício Cardozo para conversar sobre como é usar o Apple Vision Pro no dia a dia, além é claro de como tem sido a experiência de desenvolver apps para a plataforma. Patrocínio ExpressVPN: Aproveite 3 meses grátis na assinatura do plano anual da VPN que vai te deixar navegar de forma segura e pri…
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Odbierz dostęp do Phrasal Verbs MasterClass: https://teacherola.com/masterclass 📑Worksheet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/r1q5y6 🙊Transkrypcja: https://teacherola.com/269 Oto 15 (zaawansowanych) phrasal verbs, które ułatwią Ci wyrażanie potocznych komunikatów po angielsku. Komunikacja między ludźmi jest wystarczająco trudna! Nie o…
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Online bullying, trolls, and the fear of judgement often hold us back from showing up and sharing our talents. In episode 153 of the Get Richer, Teacher podcast, I open up about my personal experiences with online negativity and how we can shift our mindset to respond with resilience instead of fear. Here’s what you can expect in this episode: How …
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Entrevista com o host de um dos melhores podcasts de tecnologia do Brasil, o Tecnocracia. ⁠Clique aqui e abra sua conta na Husky⁠⁠ com taxa zero na primeira transferência. Links citados: Episódio do podcast Reply All onde os hosts vão até a India Qual a real ameaça das IAs, com Guilherme Felitti Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comunidade ⁠⁠⁠⁠Olá, Gabs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠…
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannUm endlich ein wenig mit den vielen Fragen aufholen zu können, die ihr so fleißig stellt, legt Olaf in dieser Episode noch einmal eine Antwortrunde ein.Dabei dürft ihr euch auf Olafs Reaktionen zu folgenden Fragen freuen:- Wie ist Olaf seine letzte Vorbereitung angegangen – bezogen auf sowohl Training und Ernährung, al…
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Zapisz się na Phrasal Verbs MasterClass: https://teacherola.com/masterclass 📑Worksheet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/b1s2w2 🙊Transkrypcja: https://teacherola.com/268 Dzisiaj zagłębiamy się w "All The Small Things" zespołu Blink-182, aby odkryć codzienne angielskie zwroty. Nauczysz się ośmiu kluczowych fraz z tekstu piosenki, pozn…
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Today we're diving deep into my journey from English teacher to a six-figure business owner. This is more than a clickbait headline—it's an honest look at the twists, trade-offs, and transformations it took to reach this milestone. I'm sharing the truth behind the journey, the tough lessons, and what's coming next. Episode Highlights: How It All St…
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Uma conversa sobre o que há de tecnologia por trás do maior escritório de contabilidade do Brasil. Siga o Danilo no LinkedIn. Participe da ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠comunidade ⁠⁠⁠⁠Olá, Gabs⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ no Discord⁠⁠⁠⁠. Me siga nas redes: Bluesky ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Youtube⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Instagram⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠LinkedIn…
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Zapisz się na Phrasal Verbs MasterClass: https://teacherola.com/masterclass 📑Worksheet: https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/f0r3y8 🙊Transkrypcja: https://teacherola.com/267 Dziś zanurzamy się w temat phrasal verbs – jednego z najważniejszych elementów angielskiego słownictwa. Jeśli chcesz brzmieć naturalnie, płynnie i swobodnie w codzie…
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Stronger Than You by Olaf MannDie heutige Episode besteht gewissermaßen aus 2 Teilen.Im ersten Teil stellt Olaf Bücher vor, die er zuletzt gelesen hat und/oder jedem/jeder ans Herz legen kann. Bei dem ein oder anderen Buch bekommst du auch eine kleine Leseprobe. Eine vollständige Liste der genannten Bücher findest du weiter unten im Text.Im zweiten…
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Neste episódio, Fernando Bunn e Guilherme Rambo conversam sobre o Private Cloud Compute da Apple, como funcionam as garantias de segurança e privacidade na plataforma e como tem sido a experiência do Rambo com pesquisa de segurança do sistema. Patrocínio Firmou Consultoria: Soluções contábeis e empresariais especializadas para startups, desenvolved…
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In episode 151 of Get richer, teacher podcast we’re taking a sneak peek into what it’s like to work with me inside my coaching program, the Rocket Accelerator. If you’ve been following my content and wondering if you should join the program, then this is for you! This episode is all about the types of questions my clients bring to our sessions—ques…
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