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Tired of the misinformation and propaganda in current true crime reporting, podcasts and documetaries; Roberta Glass set out in 2018 to create a true crime podcast sourced directly from the court records and case files. Roberta's drive and curiosity to look more deeply into true crime cases has taken her to the courthouse where she covered to the NXIVM trial, Ghislaine Maxwell trial and Larry Ray trial as well as Jeffrey Epstein related hearings.
Robert Alessi, Karen Read’s pro-bono lawyer answers allegations of lying to the court and the jury with denial, veiled threats and allegations against the Commonwealth. Hank Brennan keeps the hearing on topic for the last 30 minutes he was given. Show Notes: Roberta Glass True Crime Report “Karen Read Hearing” (2/25/2027) -…
What can defense lawyers Alan Jackson & David Yannetti expect at Tuesday’s hearing? Will Jackson be pulled off the case? Will Yannetti getting sanctioned? Let’s discuss! Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kim…
Not guilty” juror speaks to Aidan Kearney and the “Free Karen Read” supporters are big mad about it. Show Notes:Turtleboy Live Ep. 735 Karen Read Juror Live Interview- Innocence Fraud Watch -…
Hank Brennan exposed Karen Read’s fraud upon the court yesterday and the aftershocks are still being felt. Looking at what’s next… Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Jane…
It was an explosive hearing in court today as Hank Brennan exposes Karen Read’s defense attorneys & Judge Cannone! Show Notes: Law & Crime Network “Motions Hearing Karen Read”- Law & Crime Network “Karen Read Trial Day 27” - Tha…
Explosive hearing in the Karen Read case. Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Janet Gardner, Jayne Wallace (JaynesWhirled), Pat Brooks, Jennifer Klearman, Judy Brown Linda…
Examining the gaslighting & blame shifting in the Karen Read case. Show Notes: Thought Catalog "50 Shades of Gaslighting" - Psychology Today "A Guide to the Criminal's Tactics to Seize Control" - https://www.psychologyt…
Here’s how we know it was no accident. Also, who’s speaking up for John O’Keefe & his family? The innocence fraud on the non-supporter side. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch Killer Karen Read Retrial: (UPDATED) Why Does Kate Peter AKA Masshole Troll Mafia’s *Justice For John O’Keefe* Website Contain Misinformation If Alleged “Mission Is To Rectify…
Donna Adelson's most recent hearing. Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Janet Gardner, Jayne Wallace (JaynesWhirled), Pat Brooks, Jennifer Klearman, Judy Brown Linda Lazz…
Karen Read says John O’Keefe’s minor nephew was coached to lie on the stand. And she’s got proof of well something! Show Notes: Turtleboy Live Ep. 734 - Innocence Fraud Watch “Motion to Exclude Employees of ARCCA..” -…
Examining the behavior of John O’Keefe’s accused murderer, Karen Read. Show Notes: WKFOR "A Time To Speak: Family of Paul Howell" - Justice for Paul Howell "Paul Howell's Family - Evidence, Alibi and Julius Jones' Guilt" - Boston 25 "Who He Really Is..…
karenread #justiceforjohnokeefe Karen Read changes her story and expresses her hatred for her victim John O’Keefe in a new interview with Read’s supporter Ted Daniels. Show Notes: Boston 25 News "Karen Read Tells Her Story" - Boston 25 News "Who He Really Is...." -…
The fancy lady is now under protective custody. Show Notes: WCTV "Donna Adelson Moved to Protective Custody" - Court TV "Damning Phone Call Between Donna Adelson & Undercover Cop" - Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne …
karenread #karenreadretrial #innocencefraud Criminal defense attorney David McKenzie joins to talk about what makes a great defense. Show Notes: “Lights, Camera, Bar Action” - Thank you Patrons! Carol Cardella, Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hann…
Karen Read’s hearing had more wins for the defense and lots of drama. Support Lindsey's GiveSendGo here: Show Notes: CBS Boston "Karen Read Full Court Hearing On Missing Police Footage" - Grant Smith Ellis On X -…
Why haven’t we seen this evidence? Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch “ Killer Karen Read Retrial: UPDATED: Will 2nd Jury Get To See & Hear Video & Audio Recording From Sgt Goode’s Canton Police Cruiser #682 (Some Of Which Appeared In A TV Show *After* Trial Ended)?” -…
Donna Adelson plans to have two prison pals testify against her - here’s why it’s a mistake. Show Notes: Law & Crime Trials “Charlie Adelson’s Ex-Lover Testifies…” Roberta Glass True Crime Report "The Snitch Points the Finger at Donna" - Th…
Donna Adelson has two prison snitches she wants to present in court for her Charlie Adelson 2.0 defense. Show Notes: Deep Dive True Crime "Reverse Jailhouse Snitches..." - WTXL "Donna Adelson's Defense Team Mentions Possible Start Date.." - Thank you Pa…
Karen Read’s had a new hearing yesterday. Has the defense turned the court into a kangaroo court?! Let’s examine the hearing’s craziest moments. Show Notes: Wolfgang Bodhi on X - Julie Carpenter on x -…
Terrill Ephron is lucky that the altercation between A$AP Rocky & company was filmed otherwise you may be inclined to believe it never happened. Thank you Patrons! Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Janet …
New fundraiser for John O’Keefe’s accused killer appears near the third year anniversary of O’Keefe’s murder. Show Notes: Hoodline "Remebering John O'Keefe 3rd Anniversary.." - NBC 10 "Vigil to Remember John O'Keefe"…
Alison Galvani joins the podcast to talk about her mother Nancy Galvani’s murder, her search for justice. Write to DA Morris Maya and tell him to reopen the cold case of Nancy Galvani- Thank you Patrons! Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish…
Come watch the A$AP Rocky trial with me! Deputy DA John Lewin is back from DA George Gascon’s exile and he’s prosecuting (along with DA Paul Bradley Przelomiec) Rhianna’s rapper partner A$AP Rocky! Rocky aka Rakim Mayers is facing 21 years in prison & two counts of felony assault with a violent weapon due to a 2021 incident where he is alleged to h…
Karen Read changes course with a new conspiracy. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch “Karen Read Motion to Recover Expert Related Expenses” - TB Daily 468 -…
Amanda Knox alleges she has been wrongly convicted twice (what are the chances?!) as Italy’s Supreme Court affirms her slander conviction. In this episode we look at Knox’s statements & the love letter press for the felony slander and formerly convicted killer of Meredith Kercher. Show Notes: TrueJustice.Org "US’s Financially Beleagured Associated …
Karen Read’s new defense motion reveals a new target of her campaign. Show Notes: IFW Blog “Karen Read’s Motion to Recover Expert Related Expenses From Commonwealth”- JAMZ on X - …
Nathan Read’s criminal history comes to light. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch Blog - Jamz on X -…
princeandrew #meghanmarkle My Mother joins me to talk about Prince Andrew's new scandal & dishes on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. Thank you Patrons! Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Rosanne Aponte, Tammie, Hanna, Johnny Jay, Spaceydove, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Victoria Devenish, Jeri Falk, Kimberly Lovelace, Penni Miller, Jil, Janet Gardner, Jayn…
Karen Read wins in a new pre-trial decision but is it a really a loss? Also, Michael Proctor has a discipline hearing tomorrow. We examine some overlocked details found on Karen Read’s phone. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch “Affadavit of Richard Green…” -…
Aidan Kearney testifies he’s constantly in fear due to a restraining order against him. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch on Rumble - Innocence Fraud Watch Blog "Killer Karen Read Retrial: Liar, Perjurer, Fantasist & Fraudster Mary Bagwell On…
Turtleboy wins in court after his flying monkey Mary Bagwell commits perjury in his restraining order hearing. Turtleboy sues Lindsey Gaettani for defamation for 2 million and vows on X (Twitter) that he will file five more lawsuits just like it. Support Lindsey here: Thank you Patrons! Joan Mahon, Marcie Denton, Ro…
In this episode we return to the second half of self-proclaimed dog bite expert Dr. Marie Russell. Also, journalist Gretchen Voss pushes back legally on the court ordered mandate to turn over her notes from her interview with Karen Read. Will Voss latest legal strategy work? Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch "Killer Karen Read Retrial: Absurdity Of…
Dr. Marie Russell is the most qualified expert in the world on dog bites according to herself. Few would agree after her performance in yesterday’s hearing. Show Notes: NBC 10 "Hearing Resumes Over Dog Bite Expert in Karen Read's Trial" - Boundless Millennial "Dog Bite Expert Sinks..." - …
The Commonwealth wants to bar digital forensic defense expert Richard Green’s testimony from Karen Read’s re-trial. Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch “Commomwealth Motion to Exclude Richard Green’s Debunked Opinions” -…
Did Karen Read confess to the pre-mediated murder of John O’Keefe? Show Notes: Boston 25 Ted Daniel "Grand Jury Blocked New Charges Against Karen Read" - Masshole Mafia "#FreeKarenRead Supporter Proves Karen Read is Engaged in Conspiracy & Cover-Up" - …
Examining "Innocence Fraud Watch's" blog Why Did Killer Karen Read WANT ACCESS To JOHN O’KEEFE’S FACEBOOK Account 7 Hours Before She Reversed Into Him? Show Notes: Innocence Fraud Watch "Killer Karen Read Retrial (Updated) Why Did Murderer WANT ACCESS To JOHN O’KEEFE’S FACEBOOK Account 7 Hours Before She Reversed Into Him?" = https://theerrorsthatp…
This masked YouTuber is spitting truths about Karen Read. Show Notes: Miss Dark Humour “What Really Happened in the Karen Read Case” - Innocence Fraud Watch " Dynamic, Chronological, Interactive TIMELINE Of Cop Killer Karen Read & Her Murder of John O’Keefe" - https://theerrorsthatplaguethemiscarriag…
What does the new year hold for accused killer Karen Read? Show Notes: Masshole Mafia “This is What Keeps Karen Read Up All Night, There’s Nowhere to Run” Innocence Fraud Watch on Rumble - Than…
Why Luigi Mangione’s murder of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson was not about healthcare. Show Notes: NY Post "Luigi Mangione's Grandma Left...." - WLFI News "The Husband-wife Team Working on..." -…
Examining some evidence against Karen Read that she doesn’t want you to see. Show Notes: The Trial Channel "Kerry Roberts Testimony" - Commonwealth v Karen Read - COMMONWEALTH’S OPPOSITION TO DEFENDANT’S “PETITION AND BRIEF SEEKING RELIEF PURSUANT TO G. L. c. 211, §3” -…
Examining Amanda Knox’s own statement concerning one peculiar story she gave as evidence in her trial for the murder of Meredith Kercher. Show Notes: Famous Trial's "Amanda Knox's Trial Testimony" - Sunrise "How Amanda Knox Dealt With Being Falsely Accused of Murder" (lol) - https://…
Examining Patsy Ramsey’s 911 call. Show Notes: Mark McClish “JonBenet Ramsey Murder 911 Call Analysis”- “911 Calls & Statement Analysis: Is the Caller the Killer?” - The Ramsey…
Accused murderer of UnitedHealthcare CEO, Brian Thompson, Luigi Mangione arrived in NYC and was arraigned. Examining the UnitedHealthcare scandal you haven’t heard about. Show Notes: People Magazine "Luigi Mangione's Mother Told FBI..." - NewsNation…
Examining the text messages and testimony of Brian Higgins & Karen Read. Show Notes: CBS Boston “Brian Higgins Reads Flirty Text Messages…”- Thank you Patrons! Jimmy Jay, Averil Meyer, Farriaz Amini, Jude Barnes, JenTheRN, Susan, Pepper Mings, Cuban Burn Nurse, Kimberly Lovelace, Jeri Falk, Victoria …
Five important facts you won’t hear about in the Netflix series about JonBenet Ramsey’s murder. Show Notes: Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey “I Know Who Killed JonBenet Ramsey” Detective Linda Arndt - The Ramsey Case "The Ransom Note & Touch DNA" - 9 News "Jo…
As we get ready for Hulu’s Spring Innocence Fraud Amanda Knox documentary produced by Amanda Knox; Amanda Knox gives an interview to Reason magazine. Show Notes: Mail Online "Amanda Knox: Prison Guard Angela Antonelli Reveals All" - Reason TV …
Karen Read’s “dog bite expert” Dr. Marie Russell is in danger of being thrown out as a witness for the defense Show Notes: Law & Crime Network "Motions Hearing: Boyfriend Cop Murder Trial - MA. v. Karen Read" - Grant Smith Ellis on X -…
Luigi Mangione the accused murderer of UnitedHealthcare CEO says his arrest is “extremely unjust and an insult to the American people.” Who is Luigi Mangione? What was the motivation for his crime? And what chances do the prosecutors in Manhattan have of getting a conviction? Show Notes: LiveFromFox “Luigi Mangione Friends and Family Speak Out” - h…
A suspect is in custody in Altoona PA. Is he Brian Thompson’s killer? Show Notes: Daily Mirror "United Healthcare CEO Assassin Had Sick..." - NBC New York "Major Break in CEO Murder.." - Thank you Patrons! Jimmy Jay, …