Following Your Dreams「夢を追いかける」with Maia & Pio!
Manage episode 306529563 series 2878120
Emmalee, Maia, and Pio share what their dreams are, discuss how American and Japanese cultures put focus on dreams from a young age, and talk about how dreams can change over time.
インスタ: @yoppareikaiwa
メール: [email protected]
a dream 夢
a music producer 音楽プロヂューサー
well-known, well-respected 名高い・有名
full-time career, full-time job フルタイム
a songwriter ソングライター
plays 劇
grad school, graduate school 大学院
theatre 演劇
acting 演技
to get confused まごまごする
to place value on ~を重要視する
to cause confusion 混乱を招く
a cashier レジ店員
cash registers レジ
to evolve 進化する
to set goals 目標を立てる
56 episodi