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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that we need to be mindful that we are not here forever. One day we all will die and stand before God in judgment. Those of us who have done well will spend eternity in the presence of God, and those who did evil will be banished to the lake of fire where they will be tormented forever. We can only go …
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that sin separates us from God. It doesn't matter what the sin is; all sin is rebellion against holy God. Anyone who chooses to live a self-centered life is living a life of sin. And sin separates us from God. The only way we can be right with God and have eternal life is by repenting of our sins (havi…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that we will all have an appointment with God. The bible says that we will all die someday and then after death we will stand before God to give an account for how we have lived our lives. Those who placed their trust in Jesus will be rewarded with the opportunity to spend eternity with Him. Sadly, tho…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching on the absolute necessity for all mankind to get right with God before it's too late, and the only way you can get right with God is by believing in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the DOOR to eternal life. Friend, if you don't know …
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You will never find true happiness in worldly pursuits. It makes no difference how much you accumulate in this life you will never feel satisfied and complete until you give your life to Jesus. Life is found in God alone. Material things will never satisfy the longings of your soul and spirit, only God can do that. True riches are found in a life t…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood encourages listeners to prepare for the second coming of Jesus Christ. Pastor says that if you want to go to heaven you must believe in Jesus Christ and in Jesus Christ alone. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He is the only WAY to eternal life. There are thousands of religions in the world, but there…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that the higher power the world talks about and thinks they believe is God. God is the higher power. There is no power greater than His and no person greater than Him. Stop saying you believe in a higher power. Give Jesus His due respect and place your trust in Him--Now, before it's too late! J…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that if you don't have a relationship with Jesus you don't have a relationship with God and you won't be going to heaven when you die. Jesus is the door to heaven. Anyone who wants to enter in must enter in through Him. There is no other name g…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that there is something about the name of Jesus. Pastor says that there is no greater name in all the universe and no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. If you are lost today, if you are in distress today, if you are hopeless today, if you are sick and in need of a healing, call on th…
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God wants you to rise about the norm and live an extraordinary life. Christians are to be different. We are to be world-changers. We are called to be Christlike! In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood talks about the power Jesus has given born-again believers. Believers are given power to cast out demons, to lay hands on the sick and see them recov…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood talks about the opportunity to start anew in the new year. Pastor says that there is no better time to put our past behind us than right now. Put your past behind and reach forward and press towards the mark of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. God has a glorious plan for you in 2023! Tune in to hear al…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his lesson on success God's way. God has a plan for your life. He's available to give you the details. 2023 could be the best year of your life, if you yield, surrender, and commit to success God's way, you will succeed. You can't fail doing it God's way!…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that God has a glorious plan for their lives. As you prepare to enter a new year, God wants you to know that He has a plan, will, and purpose for your life. His plan for you is perfect. Spend the remaining days of 2022 in prayer. Ask God about His plan for you for the upcoming year and for the …
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With God's help you can change; change is possible. Things can get better. God can and will do the impossible if you trust and depend on Him. Yes, my friend, change is possible. Now grab your bible, pen, and paper and prepare your heart to listen to Pastor Tony Cooperwood expound on the Word of God, emphasizing the power of the Word to change lives…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that the key to living God's way is righteous living. If you want to be right with God, if you want to experience the blessings of God, If you want to be happy, joyous, and prosperous, you need to start obeying God, and you obey God by following the teachings outlined in His Word. Obedience lea…
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Donate via Paypal via: Christians are supposed to be different. We are to be in the world, but not of the world. Are your words and behaviors consistent with who you say you are? Examine your heart to see if you are truly in the faith.Di TONY COOPERWOOD
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Donate via Paypal via: In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that there are certain behaviors, thoughts, and practices that are unbecoming when it comes to being a follower of Jesus Christ. Believers are supposed to be in the world but not of the world. We are supposed to be ligh…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood admonishes listeners to stand for the truth. Pastor says facts matter, the truth matters, and integrity matters. Don't be a hypocrite, saying one thing and doing another. Say what you mean and mean what you say. God is watching, and He's going to bring every idle word and deed under judgment.…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood warns listeners that our democracy is in peril. He also admonishes Christians to stop believing the lies. Pastor Tony spends a lot time emphasizing that Christians are not of this world. Christians are called by God to be lights in a dark world. God did not call us to contend with our government, but to conten…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells his listeners that God wants them to have an intimate relationship with Him before they try to do anything for Him. Pastor says you must be before you do. You must be in a right relationship with God before you attempt to work on behalf of Him. Too often well-meaning Christians try to minister in their o…
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God has a plan for your life! Grab your bible, pen, and paper and prepare your heart to listen to this insightful message about God's plan for YOU! God is thinking of YOU! God has a PLAN, WILL, and PURPOSE for YOU! Listen in to find out how you can live a purpose-driven life. Donate via Paypal via:…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching on a purpose-driven life. Pastor says God has a plan for your life. You're not an accident. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made by God to do great and mighty things. Yes, God has a plan, a will, and a purpose for your life. Tune in to learn how to discover and achieve the purpos…
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The journey continues! God has a plan for your life! It's a glorious plan! God created you for His glory! You were created for greatness! Before God created you in your mother's womb He knew you and chose you for His purpose. You are not an accident! God has a plan for your life! Now grab your bible, pen and paper, and prepare to listen to Pastor T…
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In this episode you will learn that God has a plan, a will, and a purpose for your life. God is not finished with you; He has something for you to do. God is calling you to Himself for His divine purpose. God wants to transform your life so that you will live each day with His purpose in mind. Don't give up! Your best is yet to come! Now grab your …
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching on a purpose-driven life by expounding on the birth of Jesus. God has a plan for your life, and it finds its fulfillment in Jesus Christ. Jesus created you for a purpose. Turn to Him and find out what it is. Now grab your bible, pen and paper and prepare your heart to listen while Pastor…
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God has a perfect life for you. It's a purpose-driven life. You find it in Jesus. Your best is yet to come. Let go and let Jesus have His way. Let Jesus give you the life He wants you to have. Tune in to hear more! Donate via Paypal via: TONY COOPERWOOD
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that God has a plan, will, and purpose for their lives. No one is an accident. God created each and everyone of us for a reason, for a divine purpose. God wants to use us for His glory! Yes, you have a reason for living. God wants you to succeed! Tune in to find out more!…
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Thanks for tuning in to The Spiritual Truths Podcast! Now grab your bible, pen and paper and prepare to listen while Pastor Tony Cooperwood expounds on the spiritual truths found in the Word of God, emphasizing the power of the Word to change lives and circumstances! Don't forget to hit that SUBSCRIBE button! You don't want to miss the next episode…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching from the previous episode and asks the question: WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHRISTIANS GONE? Pastor warns his listeners that many who call themselves Christians really aren't. A true Christian is Christlike and walks in love. If a person doesn't have love, he doesn't have God. Now grab your bibl…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood asks one simple question: WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHRISTIANS GONE? Pastor says that there are millions who claim to be Christians, but they reall…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that a biblical/Christian marriage is a union between one man and one woman. Marriage was ordained by God. Therefore, God wants all …
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his insightful teaching on abortions. As with the two previous episodes Pastor Tony tells listeners that abortions are not of God. In addition, Pastor says that the notion that we have a right to choose what we want to do with our bodies is unscriptural. Our bodies belong to God. WE ARE TO HONOR GOD …
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In this episode, Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching on abortions. Abortions are not of God. Listen in to hear more. To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod TONY COOPERWOOD
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood teaches that abortions are not of God. God made mankind in His own image and likeness. Therefore, He views every human life as being precious and sacred. Abortions are a part of Satan's destructive plan to kill, steal, and destroy. But Jesus came that we all might have life and life more abundantly. TUNE IN TO…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood concludes his message: It's Going To Be All Right. God instructed the pastor to tell his listeners once again that there is no need to worry…
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In this episode, Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues the message: IT WILL BE ALL RIGHT! God wants you to know that there is no need to worry because He is working EVERYTHING together for the good of those who love Him and who are called according to His purposes. God's Word for you today is: IT WILL BE ALL RIGHT. PLEASE GIVE TO HELP US SPREAD THE GOOD…
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God has a message for you today. Here it is: IT WILL BE ALL RIGHT. EVERYTHING IS GOING TO BE ALL RIGHT. Listen in to hear more... God's Word for you Today is: IT'S GOING TO BE ALRIGHT! To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood talks about the free gift God wants to give to every human being on the face of the earth. Yes, God has a gift for you too! Listen in to hea…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells listeners that there is nothing to worry about. Pastor says that God is praying for His people and working everything out for their go…
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To Donate:$Spiritualtruthspod In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells the listening audience that faith is the key. Friend, you might be going through a difficult time right now, but don't lose heart. Hav…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood continues his teaching on Spiritual Warfare. Pastor Tony says that the Devil is busy, but you can defeat him in Jesus' name! At the name of Jesus, every knee must bow, and every tongue must confess that Jesus is Lord to the glory of God. Satan is the Strongman, but Jesus is stronger! Through Jesus you can bind…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood admonishes listeners not to believe the Devil's lies. The Devil, our adversary, is a liar and a deceiver. Nothing he says is true! Don't believe his lies! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you! This episode and some of the previous episodes about the Devil contain some background noise that …
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood warns listeners that there are demons among us that are seeking to divide and destroy us. The evil we are seeing taking place all around the world is the work of demons. We are not fighting against flesh and blood enemies but against principalities, rulers of the darkness of this world, and spiritual wickednes…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood argues that the United States and the free world have a moral obligation to act on behalf of the Ukrainian people. Pastor Tony says that God placed President Biden in the presidency for such a time as this and that it's time for him to act to prevent the slaughter of innocent people. Pastor goes on to say that…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood calls on Christians around the world to pray for the people of Ukraine and to ask God for divine intervention of biblical proportion. God has promised that if His people, who are called by His name, will humble themselves, and pray, and seek His face, and turn from their wicked ways, then He will hear from hea…
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In this episode Pastor Tony Cooperwood tells us that our enemy is not flesh and blood human being, but the Devil and his demons. The Devil is walking around like a roaring lion looking for someone to destroy. Don't you become his prey! You can overcome the Devil by employing the strategies Jesus used. Stand firm against the Devil and he will flee f…
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