The great mind of Aflojack provides you with a free space for discussion without fear of being judged. As the black sheep of the family, this duo gathers to share opinions about the latest theatre releases, the impact they have in our daily lives, and how they can relate back to issues we all go through in life, especially in our twenties. Have no expectations, just listen to De Black Sheep. lbx: @AFLOJACK ig: @deblacksheepodcast tt: @aflojack
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Murasaki Nights nasce nel 2022 da serate tra amici illuminate da neon viola e accompagnate da musica giapponese rigorosamente citypop! Nasce tra risate, caoticità, strategia e smarrimento. Nasce dalla nostra voglia di divertirci accompagnata da un pizzico di speranza di essere utili a chi, come noi, si è trovato per la prima volta a giocare e si è detto “eh? Aspetta che cerco un tutorial..”. Abbiamo deciso di presentarvi soprattutto giochi che ancora non si trovano in lingua italiana, ma che ...
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Editing is one of the most important and fascinating jobs in cinema, but also one of the least discussed and understood. We are Pierpaolo Filomeno, Beppe Leonetti, Anna Savchenko and Gabriele Borghi, and our job is to edit movies. Like in a group therapy session, in this podcast we chat with our colleagues to share fears, obsessions, and secrets of the most solitary job in cinema. Editors Anonymous started in 2021 as an Italian podcast but now offers episodes in either Italian or English - c ...
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A weekly podcast featuring short interviews with Peace Corps volunteers serving in Morocco. This is an informal and unofficial way to get to know our fellow PCVs better, to hear us share our stories, and to give us an additional opportunity to connect with one another through our service. Disclaimer: The content of this podcast is mine alone and does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps, or the Moroccan Government.
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Imprenditrice, pilotessa, manager, astronauta, giornalista, game designer, scienziata: sono queste le donne che vogliamo intervistare. Il podcast Fjona Cakalli Talks nasce infatti con l’obiettivo di raccontare le storie di donne normali che hanno sfoderato i loro super poteri per diventare ciò che hanno sempre sognato. Perché "talks"? Perché Fjona è solita parlare tanto - forse troppo - ma non qui: qui, a parlare saranno le nostre ospiti.Ogni venerdì vi faremo immergere nel mondo di una donn ...
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“Ho conosciuto Kurt Cobain - La storia dei Nirvana in Italia” è un podcast narrativo in 7 puntate realizzato nel trentennale dalla scomparsa di Kurt Cobain. “HCKC” è una serie podcast a taglio documentaristico con interviste e suoni di repertorio: un mosaico di aneddoti e racconti di chi a quei concerti era presente, di chi li ha organizzati, dei gestori dei locali, di chi ha conosciuto personalmente i componenti della band. Un road movie sonoro che conduce lungo i tragitti percorsi dal furg ...
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Alle porte di Milano, appena superato il capolinea dei tram 1 e 12 , comincia un mondo di lingue e culture: Baranzate. Con il podcast COME2BARANZA vi invitiamo a conoscerlo attraverso le voci dei ragazzi e delle ragazze che lo vivono quotidianamente nelle sue bellezze e contraddizioni. Dopo una prima stagione in cui i pensieri e le riflessioni hanno tracciato un percorso per far conoscere la città, alternando momenti intimi ad altri più ironici, nella seconda stagione intitolata Come4Baranza ...
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To inspire people through Aikido. What's up cuties? Sono Ritsu, insegnante di arti marziali, coach e mediatore digitale e questo podcast nasce dal mio desiderio di ispirare le persone attraverso la saggezza dell'Aikido. Ma cos'è questo Aikido? Da chi non lo ha mai sentito nominare a chi lo fraintende completamente! L'Aikido è il linguaggio di cui abbiamo bisogno oggi: in un mondo di competizioni, l'Aikido insegna la collaborazione. In un mondo digitale, l'Aikido insegna a sentire il corpo de ...
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Cos’è? Un programma radiofonico diffuso in formato podcast. Cosa tratta? Condivisione di riflessioni, ragionamenti e considerazioni circa ogni possibile aspetto legato all’affascinante fenomeno che ci accomuna tutti: la comunicazione. Dalla ricerca e perfezionamento del sé alle relazioni interpersonali, dai fenomeni mediatici alla cultura ‘pop’, ogni spunto può essere occasione per esplorare le incredibili potenzialità della comunicazione, le sue implicazioni, le sue possibili falle, o sem ...
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For Women's Month, we're celebrating stories about women with our top picks: Shiva Baby, Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown, and Parthenope. Each of these films explores different facets of womanhood—messy, chaotic, and deeply human. If you want to understand more about what it means to be a woman, you could start by asking the women in your…
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The Oscars. From a host that had us side-eyeing since the beginning, to the movies that actually mattered, we break it all down. We’re talking Conclave, Anora, The Substance—what worked, flopped, or was mere Oscars bait. Most importantly, which film from this year will stick around, and which will disappear into the void of forgettable Best Picture…
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10 Academy Awards nominations made The Brutalist impossible for Aflojack to ignore. Moreover, architecture, period drama, and Adrian Brody are ingredients that tend to meet our tastes. And so it did, yet this film didn't quite live up to its premise. Great performances, visuals and score where not enough to satisfy us. Nevertheless, The Brutalist w…
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In this episode, we take a wild ride through the Madame Web disaster. From baffling dialogue to plot twists that make no sense, we break down every questionable decision that turned this movie into an unintentional comedy. It’s really bad, but somehow, we cannot look away. Join us as we dissect the chaos, the missed opportunities, and the sheer abs…
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"Emilia Pérez," the most talked-about and divisive film of the year, found an unexpected fan in the Black Sheep. Maybe our expectations were so low that it caught us off guard, or maybe we're just looking for something different in a movie than the rest of the public. From our favorite moments to the biggest controversies, we’re breaking it all dow…
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Award season is always a thrill - unpredictable yet packed with predictions, including ours. From Costume Design to Best Picture, no category is a sure bet. While one specific film looms as the frontrunner, we stay loyal to our favourite underdogs (GO WOMEN). Hoping for an award ceremony that gives every deserving nominee its moment, we can't ignor…
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Our mind is still not fully made up about this one. Our key word? Potential. The expectations where there, but they haven't fully been meet. Is sex villainised or normalised? Though the goth world of this story helps immerse yourself in the film, the lack of depth of the dialogues quickly brings you back to reality. Pros and cons considered, this w…
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There are movies that I will never get, and movies that only I get. And then there are movies that lowkey shouldn't exist, this is one of those. In this new format, we offer you our thoughts and reflections on our least liked movies ever. Paraphrasing Lady Gaga: we are bringing the trash in. lbx: @AFLOJACK - ig: …
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The conclave is probably boring, but a movie about the conclave shouldn't be boring too. Even with brilliant actors and an incredible setting, this movie fails to deliver its message. It is so preoccupied with saying it all that it ends up saying nothing. Could this be the first non black sheep movie of 2025 among frontrunners for the Oscars? lbx: …
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2 hosts, 1 microphone, 0 sound isolation system. Aflojack's perfect recipe for the first Blunt Session of the year, fourth of this season. 2025 is giving year of good vibes, fresh air, and *knock on wood* the year of action. As they celebrated the holidays with some very much needed family time, the question of legacy assaulted your hosts. What do,…
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We. Are. Sat. Within the restricted time period in which this story takes place, Anora not only manages to capture our attention, she also leaves us wanting more. All of this, exposing a reality which is often not talked about enough. Maybe the lapdances clouded our judgement a little. But for us, this is a fat recommendation. Film: Anora (2024) Di…
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We often focus so much on the finished pieces that we forget the trials and tribulations writers and producers endure to create a story that resonates deeply. This film captures the essence of creative struggle—the messy, uncertain journey of navigating life's shifting seasons, human connections, and personal growth. It’s a story that makes us feel…
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Il secondo concerto dei Nirvana in Italia nel 1994 è al palaghiaccio di Marino, alle porte di Roma. Il giorno successivo la band registra negli studi RAI l'ultima performance TV per la trasmissione Tunnel di Serena Dandini. I concerti successivi sono al Palatrussardi di Milano il 24 e 25 febbraio, poi a Lubiana e Monaco, ma Kurt Cobain è troppo deb…
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Le ultime date del tour europeo del 1991 dei Nirvana vengono annullate, dato che i locali non sono più in grado di gestire l'afflusso di pubblico. Quando tornano in USA è scoppiata la “Nirvanamania”. Nel giro di due anni pubblicano un nuovo album "In Utero" e a febbraio 1994 tornano in Italia per il “Tour dei palazzetti”. Intanto la parabola di Kur…
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L’ultimo concerto dei Nirvana in Italia nel 1991 è al Kriptonight di Baricella, vicino a Bologna. Molte persone quella sera convergono in un puntino in mezzo al nulla della pianura padana e in tanti rimangono fuori dal locale, ma chi riesce a entrare assiste a un live memorabile. Alcuni di loro hanno anche la possibilità di conoscere personalmente …
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Lunedì 18 novembre 1991 i Nirvana sono attesi a Torino, ma la band non arriva mai a destinazione. Un piccolo mistero che abbiamo cercato di svelare... La band si gode quindi un day off a Roma prima del concerto al Teatro Castello, ripreso dalla troupe di Videomusic e in diretta radio su Planet Rock. Una data che ha segnato i ricordi di tantissime p…
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Nel novembre 1991 i Nirvana ritornano in Italia per promuovere il loro nuovo album, Nevermind, che in USA sta già scalando le classifiche. La band doveva suonare in Jugoslavia, ma la data viene annullata a causa della guerra e spostata in Italia, nella cittadina di Muggia, proprio vicino al confine. Il concerto successivo è di nuovo al Bloom di Mez…
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Nirvana e Tad viaggiano verso Roma per suonare al Piper Club. A quel concerto tante persone legate a RadioRock e al negozio di dischi Disfunzioni Musicali, raccontano di un Kurt Cobain nervoso, che distrugge la chitarra al termine di una breve performance e minaccia di sciogliere il gruppo. La tour manager Daniela Giombini saluta la band, che rived…
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Una giovane band di nome Nirvana è in tour europeo con i TAD, compagni di etichetta alla Sub Pop Records. I due gruppi suonano due date anche in Italia, la prima in un locale della periferia milanese, che diventerà un punto di riferimento per tutta la scena di musica indipendente: il Bloom di Mezzago. Interviste a: Daniela Giombini, Massimo Pirotta…
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Like it or not, Wicked (Jon M. Chu, 2024) is a phenomenon. Although Aflojack has discrepant opinions, the effort and respect put in all aspects of this movie must be acknowledged. Acting, special effects, marketing. There's an opinion for everything. Does this episode contain hateful material? At times. Enjoy xx lbx: @AFLOJACK - https://letterboxd.…
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Every year, December brings joy and family time because of Christmas, but if you are in your twenties, it also brings dissatisfaction and unsettlement. Aflojack had their last—proper— Blunt Sesh of the year, discussing the best way to walk through these moments in life: for transparency, no solution was found, we just love to vent. lbx: @AFLOJACK -…
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In a world where AI has taken over most human roles, it's easy for a lone man to develop a what-seems-genuine relationship with an Operating System. Impactful and at times disturbing, with Her (2013) Spike Jonze perfectly portrayed what alienation can lead to. And although the hosts - finally - disagree in their liking of the movie, the recognition…
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"Ho conosciuto Kurt Cobain - La storia dei Nirvana in Italia" è un podcast in 7 episodi. Scritto e narrato da Paolo Maoret Musiche e sound design di Marco Degli Esposti Artwork di copertina di Alberto Fiocco Sigla di Super Fat Ginger Cat Una produzione Piombo Podcast Registrato presso Happenstance recording studio ---------- Repertori citati: https…
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The coming of aliens to Earth can cause an outburst of space wars, as many movies have shown us in the past. But this is not the case for Denis Villeneuve's Arrival (2016). Here, the sci-fi setting is just an excuse to explore ratched sides of human nature and discover the gift offered by, apparently, peaceful and collaborative extra-terrestrial be…
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Twinkle, twinkle, little star, who said monsters can't reach far? Camp aesthetic, impossible beauty standards and body horror. Add up these ingredients and you'll get what Aflojack possibly considers the best movie of 2024. Made by women about women, The Substance (Coralie Fargeat) sends a clear message on how the external gaze can shape our relati…
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Artificial Intelligence is the greatest progress humanity has made since the invention of the internet, and we still need time to learn how to navigate this new landscape. Some see the positive change that this might bring about, while others are more concerned about the negative implications that may arise if AI is not regulated. Please enjoy 25 m…
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The hype was there, and the disappointment was real. "Joker II: Folie à Deux" took an unexpected turn that didn’t quite match the tone of its predecessor. From its partial musical direction to plot gaps, this ambitious yet uneven sequel left a lot to be desired. In this episode, Aflojack shares their take on the bold, but flawed, follow-up to the i…
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The Ti West trilogy, made of X (2022), the iconic Pearl (2022), and the more recent Maxxxine (2024), came to a close a couple of months ago, completing the dark and troubling journey to fame of Maxine Minx. Violent, unapologetic, and occasionally funny, this trilogy shows the twisted lengths a person will go to to achieve their dreams: whether it's…
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Desideria Rayner began her editing career after several years of experience in journalism, collaborating, among others, on the Italian television program “Blob". At 30, without a proper academic background, editing came to her as a second life during a moment of reset. In short, it's never too late to become an editor! Desideria started by editing …
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A little catch up on the latest movie releases, before deep diving into what's really captured our attention this season. 2024 turned to be the year of Horror's great - and somewhat unfortunate - comeback, along with the never-ending plague of remakes and franchises, topped with the comfort that trashy movies aspire to give us. From "The Substance"…
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Season 4, back at it again with more news and - most importantly - more movies than ever. In this first blunt session, opening the doors to our weekly episodes, we give you an overview on what has happened since our last episode, what to expect from this season, and some lifestyle recommendations in pure black sheep style. ig: @deblacksheepodcast l…
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A chiusura della stagione una serie di estratti divertenti del lavoro fatto di progettazione e registrazione del podcast. In questa puntata hanno parlato … boh dai tutte le persone che hanno partecipato al podcast Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di Natalie Norma Fella Il montaggio è di Carmen Grillo e Fatima Kas…
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Il collettivo Slaynz si confronta con una psicologa per trattare il tema dell’ansia: cos’è, come si affronta e quando può diventare un problema. In questa puntata hanno parlato Haroon, Letizia, Sofia, Valentina, Youmna e Ziyad in dialogo con la dottoressa Sofia Trezzi Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di Natalie N…
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In questa occasione si esce dallo “studio” per chiedere ai baranzatesi come vivono questa città che non manca di lanciare sfide nella vita delle persone che hanno deciso, o stanno decidendo, di abitare qui. In questa puntata hanno parlato Carmen, Fatema, Hana, Sara, Ziyad, Youmna con abitanti di Baranzate che hanno scelto di farsi intervistare Supe…
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Our 3rd season finale deserved to be dedicated to one of the most emotional final scenes in cinema. Directed by Mike Newell in 2003, Mona Lisa Smile proved to be way ahead of its time in the representation of female characters. A conservative women's college in Massachusetts offers the perfect scenario for a collision of ideologies on the role that…
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In questa puntata le ragazze e i ragazzi si confrontano sui loro diversi modi di dimostrare affetto con storie personali di imbarazzo o gratitudine. In questa puntata hanno parlato Carmen, Fatima, Youmna, Miriam, Noelia, Rosa, Sara, Sofia, Ziyad del collettivo Slaynz Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di Natalie No…
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Questo episodio vede un professore di liceo di italiano, geostoria e latino rispondere ai dubbi, alle curiosità e anche alle provocazioni delle giovani menti del collettivo Slaynz sul mondo della scuola superiore di oggi. In questa puntata hanno parlato Carmen, Darrell, Emmily, Fatima, Letizia, Wiam, Youmna, Ziyad in dialogo con il professore Giova…
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We know that not everybody understands the importance of ranting, but in this house, we respect the fact that sometimes a b*tch needs to complain. In this season’s final session for the Sheep In Wolf's Clothing series, Aflojack reflects on this past six months struggles, and prepares mentally to face the upcoming challenges. ig: @debleksheepodcast …
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Nessun riassunto stavolta, ma fateci sapere sui social se questa puntata vi è piaciuta! Seguici su IG In questa puntata hanno parlato Carmen, Darrel, Emmily, Merolla, Miriam, Natalie, Rosa, Sofia, Ziyad del collettivo Slaynz Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di Natalie Norma Fella Il montaggio è di Letizia Borsatt…
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In questa puntata Ziyad, Sofia, Youmna ed Emmily si confrontano sui molteplici calendari esistenti nelle diverse nazioni, sul modo di festeggiare ma soprattutto sui 18 anni in arrivo... In questa puntata hanno parlato Emmily, Carmen, Youmna, Sofia, Ziyad del collettivo Slaynz Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di N…
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Another piece of queer history resurrected by a Netflix production. The story delves into the life and story of Bayard Rustin, the man behind the iconic march for black rights in 1963: that day Martin Luther King gave his iconic "I have a dream" speech, and to this day that is considered a pivotal moment in the history of civil rights movements. In…
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Le ragazze del collettivo Slaynz si confrontano su cosa vuol dire manifestare e su quanto possa essere utile per influenzare l'opinione pubblica. Ma non tutte sono della stessa idea! In questa puntata hanno parlato Youmna, Lama, Natalie, Megan e Carmen e manifestanti varie Supervisione generale e conduzione del laboratorio di podcast a cura di Nata…
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In questo episodio le ragazze parlano di femminismo a partire dal trend di tik tok sulla domanda "Chi preferiresti incontrare se fossi da sola in un bosco un uomo o orso?" La riposta non rimane statica ed inizia un confronto su vari ambiti della vita quotidiana. In questa puntata hanno parlato Emmily, Youmna, Miriam, Natalie, Rosa, Wiam del collett…
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Just like every other person living in their twenties, we've had thoughts and doubts, we have been wondering what is our role on this earth only to get frightened by our expectations. In other (more dramatic) words: We've been having existential crises. Some might say that we are thinking too much about ourselves, but I believe that sensible souls …
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Written and directed by David Robert Mitchell in 2018, "Under The Silver Lake" is a story about the search for a greater meaning. The protagonist, Sam, played by Andrew Garfield, starts investigating after a girl in his apartment complex disappears mysteriously. In his quest to find this girl, Sam unravels the mysteries behind a privileged secret s…
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Every month we take you in a new comfort-free journey, and this time, @ticketsfor_two are the ones in wolf's clothing. Between hostels at 3€, open air kitchens, and some rats, Giorgia and Luca took the stepping out of comfort to the next level. Today, they share with us their new incredible journey. ig: @deblecksheepodcast tt: @aflojack Luca and Gi…
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At the beginning of May one movie caught all the internet's attention, and it's the latest Luca Guadagnino movie "Challengers", starring Zendaya, Mike Faist, and Josh O'Connor. This feature tells the story of three young tennis players who…get involved…let's leave it like that, and taught us that tennis is so much more than sweat and adrenaline. ig…
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Everything we do, we do with passion. This includes love, but most importantly: hate. Today's session is entirely dedicated to the TV characters that almost made us quit our favourite series because of how insufferable they were. Grey's Anatomy, How I Met Your Mother, Friends, and many other iconic shows earned their place in today's episode thanks…
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While keeping up with a spring full of new releases from huge pop acts, we cannot not mention the latest release of the one and only Taylor Swift. "The Tortured Poets Department" took us by storm with its double album release and it will probably take us the whole month to process all those wonderful lyrics and all the things she decided to address…
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In April's "Blunt Sesh," Aflojack contemplates the fading allure of "getting away with it" as adulthood and responsibility take the stage. This episode delves into the evolution of our ethical standards over time, drawing from personal experiences to illustrate the complexities of this shift. ig: @debleksheepodcast tt: @aflojack lbx: @AFLOJACK - ht…
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