The gang interrupts the important work of sustainable plastics researcher Dr. Love-Ese Chile, who probably should've told her lab-mates that she was taping a podcast that day. Dialing into this episode, we have the brilliant comedic stylings of Tim Carlson, Rae Lynn Carson, and Peter Carlone, who are hell-bent on classifying plastic based on its smell, altitude, and level of mysteriousness. Give us nice wet e-kisses after getting consent from us ~ o n l i n e ~ Dr. Love-Ese Chile: Find out more about her work on her personal website Tim Carlson: @TimWCarlson on Twitter @TimWCarlson on Instagram See him play D&D on Twitch ! Rae Lynn Carson: @RaeLynnCarson on Twitter @RaeLynnCarson on Instagram Peter Carlone: @PeterCarlone on Twitter Check out his amazing podcast, This Time It's Different And of course, follow us on Twitter at @SciTelShow . Perhaps even tweet at Jesse , and tell him your favorite things made out of plastic!…