show episodes
Welcome to The Midnight Club podcast, where host Ray Taylor takes you on a journey through the Netflix series of the same name. Created by Mike Flanagan and Leah Fong, this show follows a group of five terminally ill patients at Brightcliffe Hospice as they come together at midnight to share scary stories. Join us as we explore the lives and experiences of Ilanka, Kevin, Anya, and see how their tales of the supernatural bring them closer together as they come to terms with their own mortality.
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Love’s Last Call

Carol Ann Caster

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"Love's Last Call" focuses on the Prophetic Word of God and how current events are unfolding with "pay attention" urgency while exposing the many counterfeits of the enemy that are keeping mankind from coming to the true and Saving knowledge of Jesus Christ the Savior.
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show series
Send us a message As the last minutes of the Last Hour continue to quickly tick toward the Midnight Hour, Paul the Apostle alerted us to the Rapture of God’s True Church which is the next main event on God’s Prophetic Calendar – with Paul’s encouragement in 2 Timothy 4:8 that there is great reward for those who long for the Lord’s Coming or as Paul…
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Send us a message As the “Great Antichrist Delusion” continues to captivate the people of earth, and his false prophets beguile with their cunning and deceptive persuasions, Salvation’s legitimacy is being put to the test as the wheat is being separated from the tares. Part of the “Great Antichrist Delusion” brings with it the mindset that presents…
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Send us a message As ambassadors of God’s unadulterated Word of Truth and the reflections of the One Who is the True Light, we who are His “born again” offspring are a threat to the enemy’s plans to deceive the world. For he is purposed to draw as many as he can into his counterfeit kingdom that is comprised of deadly falsehoods and false illuminat…
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Send us a message As the revisited Days of Noah and the Days of Lot that Jesus describes in Luke 17:26-30 unfold all around us with dramatic prophetic confirmation that we truly are living in the last seconds of the "Last Hour," most of the world - and much of the Church - is blatantly unaware of how close we really are to the Rapture of the Lord's…
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Send us a message As Apostasy grows more prolific, without a doubt we are bearing witness to the Hand of God separating the Wheat from the tares in readiness for the catching up of God’s redeemed ones, before the Tribulation Period unleashes God’s Righteous Wrath upon an unbelieving world. And in our waiting, it has never been more urgent than it i…
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Send us a message Knowing that his time is short, the enemy’s strategies have been taken to a higher level, with his deceptions being even more captivating. In the 1 Timothy 4:1-2 passage, one of the definitions for “aphistemi” as in “will fall away” is “to seduce.” And that demonic seduction has never been more alluring than in these last propheti…
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Send us a message As the Holy Spirit leads us in this effort, it will not only to solidify the reality that there is without a doubt a “One World Order” that has been pushing forward down through the ages and leading to its complete formation – which the enemy has been purposed to create since the moment pride entered his heart and he became determ…
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Send us a message Lucifer’s first organized attempt at his “One World Order” was orchestrated at the Tower of Babel – but as Scripture dramatically reveals to us – the Lord God Almighty brought that prideful edifice crashing down. And He scattered the people with their disobedient hearts – to the four corners of the earth. Without missing a beat, h…
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Send us a message While mockers continue with their mocking, those who are operating with Holy Spirit discernment are aware that we are truly nearing the midnight hour on God’s Prophetic Time Clock. He has raised up His Watchmen on the Wall with the cry of “Awake Oh Sleeper” for the time is near! Let those who have ears to hear - Hear! Support the …
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Send us a message God’s Prophetic Word of Truth has made certain that there will be a Global System in place during the Tribulation Period which will be ruled by the Antichrist, with the aid of the False Prophet who will serve him in this worldwide effort. Both the Book of Daniel and the Book of Revelation give us specific details regarding this fu…
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Send us a message For the purposes of this Study – we are going to concentrate on the Governmental arm of the “One World Empire” of the Antichrist – especially as the election for the next President of the United States draws near. For just as the religious counterfeits have continued to grow in deception and power – the “One World Government” has …
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Send us a message To accept the Biblical proof that the Pre-Tribulation “Rapture” is a true Scriptural Doctrine, is not only confirming the “Blessed Hope” that glorious event will produce for the “Born Again” children of God – but more importantly it is acknowledging the shed “Blood of Jesus Christ” – the Son of God and the Great I AM – and the sac…
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Send us a message From the beginning, Satan has been trying to replicate or annul God’s work and sow seeds of confusion in mankind’s relationship with Him. False religion, or false doctrine mixed with some tainted truth, has been Satan’s constant ploy. This is why there are so many denominations and cults under the name of Christianity. Once the tr…
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Send us a message “As the Election that will determine the next President of the United States quickly approaches, many hearts are being stirred with passion and in some cases fear. For the outcome of this major decision is going to affect not only America - but the whole world - as God’s Prophetic Word of Truth unfolds with dramatic purpose. There…
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Send us a message In the battles of war, understanding the tactics of the enemy and how he intends to invade and destroy will make way to circumvent his plans of destruction. And so, we will go to God’s Word in order to gain a Scriptural safe guard in equipping power against Satan and his demonic schemes and counterfeits. And God’s people need this…
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Send us a message With each prophetic second taking us closer to the Midnight Hour, the Wheat is being separated from the tares, as the Holy Spirit marks His own with the Blood of Jesus, and as this Holy Separation becomes more calibrated, contending for the true Faith is becoming more and more difficult - with the greatest struggles being realized…
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Send us a message Chapter 13 of the Book of Revelation reveals to us that one of the arms of the Antichrist’s Global Empire will be the “One World Religion.” This deadly counterfeit to the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth will be fully in operation for the first three and a half years of the Tribulation Period – and then she will be destroyed by a…
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Send us a message Since the beginning of time, the enemy has been orchestrating the many components that would finally converge, in formulation of this Global endeavor through which he would gain the worship of the world that he has lusted for since the moment he served at the Throne of God. In Chapter 17 of the Book of Revelation, we learn of a Wo…
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Send us a message We are at war – a spiritual war that has already been won in Jesus Christ the Great I AM – but which is still being played out as His final purposes are being fully accomplished in complete manifestation of all He has promised will be. And as this spiritual war is being waged – there are natural wars that are the outflow of this d…
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Send us a message “As prophetic precursors continue to converge in these last seconds of the last hour, the Holy Spirit is about a sacred work of separation. Under His scrutiny many who address themselves as “Christian” are being found out to be impostors - devoid of Truth and the miracle of “new birth” regeneration. “Love’s Last Call” is resoundin…
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Send us a message Jesus came to ransom mankind from the world’s darkness and to transfer humanity into His glorious Kingdom of Light and Love, which will be in Heaven with Him and the Father forever. Lucifer – a.k.a. Satan God’s adversary – has cloaked the darkness of this sin-riddled world with a false illumination and is leading multitudes into h…
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Send us a message New Age practices in the Church are on the rise. To understand what is meant by “New Age” it is basically a combination of metaphysical beliefs, spiritual techniques, and ancient rituals that have become popular in Western society over the last few decades. They often involve a mix of Eastern Mysticism, Neo-Pagan religion, and occ…
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Send us a message Without a doubt, we have reached the hour that the inerrant Word of Truth has warned would be upon us with “last minutes” confirmation. Deception has reached its pinnacle, as the tares that have been sown within the Wheat by the enemy, continue to practice their deeds of destruction in blatant rebellion against the unadulterated W…
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Send us a message We must not forget the heart-trembling passage in Matthew Chapter 7 where Jesus warns that not everyone who says to Him ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven – but he who does the Will of His Father in Heaven. The company of pretenders Jesus addresses in that account gave Him a litany of the many things THEY did in His Nam…
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Send us a message In the first YouTube Video for Love's Last Call, we address the greatest deception Lucifer has orchestrated which holds within it every other deception he has stored in his arsenal of lies and falsehoods. In these last prophetic minutes of the Last Hour, God's ambassadors of Truth are being called to contend even more earnestly fo…
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Send us a message In order to more fully understand the parable of the Wheat and the Tares which is recorded in Matthew 13:24-30, with the Lord’s explanation of it granted in verses 37-43, we must go back to the Sower and His Seed as recorded in Matthew 13 and verses 3-9. The “Seed and Sower” parable holds revelation that is in concert with the Pre…
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Send us a message In Part two of “The Lamb’s Book of Life” we are going to continue to look to the Holy Spirit and His correct interpretation of God’s Word, to determine whether or not a true believer in the Lord Jesus Christ can have their name blotted out of this heavenly record. As we look to the unadulterated Word of God’s Truth, line upon line…
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Send us a message To have one’s name written in the “Lamb’s Book of Life” outweighs anything that holds any temporal value in this world and its fleeting vanities and carnal enticements. It is an eternal reality that strengthens the heart of a child of God with equipping power to face all of the obstacles, trials, and difficulties that are coming a…
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Send us a message Revelation 20:12-13 records John’s vision of the Great White Throne Judgment of God. The books that are opened at this dramatic and heart trembling event contain the records of everyone’s deeds, whether they are good or evil. God knows everything that has ever been said, done, or even thought by every person who has lived on the e…
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Send us a message As time runs out before all that the Prophetic Word of God has promised will take place, is fully completed, He is once again raising up His contenders for Truth to sound Salvation’s warning. For while, in Jesus Christ the Savior, there is a Heaven to be won in His Kingdom of Love, Light and Eternal Life – there is also a Hell of …
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Send us a message In the battles of war, knowing the military strategies of the enemy becomes an important factor in securing the total victory against him. And as we pick up with the commentary I began to share with you in the last message, we will learn much about Satan and his strategies – in order to keep us on guard with realization that altho…
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Send us a message “The kingdom of darkness is a reality which everybody should be well aware of – especially the children of God. Satan and his demons – which are fallen angels who were cast out of heaven because of their complicity in Lucifer’s rebellion – are engaged in a fierce battle against God and His Kingdom. These creatures of darkness stri…
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Send us a message The forever settled in Heaven Covenant Promise to the people of Israel that is written in Genesis 17:1-8, where Jehovah God declares that: “I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land of your sojourning’s – all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession, and I will be their God,” is being fiercely challen…
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Send us a message Scripture alerts us that we are in a war Beloved against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places as outlined in Ephesians 6:12. And while it must be emphatically proclaimed that the Victory has already been won by the Great I AM – …
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Send us a message After years of being audio-only, Love's Last Call is taking the leap into video! Hear from your host, Carol Ann Caster about the reasons for the change and how it will hopefully highlight God's Word to the listener. Support the show Visit our website:…
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Send us a message The unadulterated Gospel of Jesus Christ is the key that unlocks the narrow Gate unto Eternal Life that can only be entered by those who have been drawn by the Holy Spirit, Who brings them to genuine repentance in heart felt belief that is crowned by complete surrender to their Savior, and the “new birth” miracle that ignites with…
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Send us a message The Great Apostasy which Scripture informs us is one of the major precursors to the appearance of the Antichrist on the scene of earth, is already pressing toward its full manifestation as Luciferian counterfeits spread their deadly lies and persuasions. And because they are so cunning and even masterful, many are being led into w…
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Send us a message One of the most striking evidences that we are in the last days is found in Chapter 24 of the Book of Matthew where Jesus gives the parable of the fig tree representing Israel’s rebirth – which took place on May 14, 1948. Jesus said that the generation alive when this prophetic reality was fulfilled would not pass away before all …
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Send us a message In 2015, Anthony Levandowski, a former Google and Uber engineer, drafted the bylaws for a new church called “Way of the Future.” According to its website, “Way of the Future” or WOTF is about “creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + ‘machines. WOTF Church activities w…
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Send us a message In 2 Peter 3:3-4, under the unction of the Holy Spirit, the Apostle wrote these “pay attention” verses with “be aware of the time” revelation: “Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying “Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fath…
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Send us a message God’s unadulterated Word of Truth makes certain that while His invitation of Salvation is offered to all – For God so loved the world, that He gave His Only Begotten Son so that none would perish, but have Eternal Life (John 3:16) - His Word also makes certain that not ALL will be Saved. That certainty is confirmed in many places …
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Send us a message The essential concept of Chrislam – which is more popular that most people recognize - is that Christianity and Islam are compatible, and that one can be a Christian and a Muslim at the same time. While Chrislam is not an actual religion of its own, it is most definitely a blurring of the differences and distinctions between Chris…
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Send us a message In Matthew 7:13-15, we read: “Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide, and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and many are those who enter by it. For the gate is small, and the way is narrow that leads to life, and few are those who find it. Beware of the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwa…
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Send us a message God’s Prophetic Word of Truth has established that it is Lucifer – the god of this world - who is behind every agent of darkness that has been raised up in the formation of a “One World Government” and the global “Economic” component that will aid the Antichrist in the complete control over all people on earth which he will wield …
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Send us a message With Israel currently in the midst of a violent war that has those with discernment anticipating the even greater wars yet to come, and which Scripture has alerted us will bring all nations against Israel with the threat of earth’s annihilation, every other prophetic precursor that Scripture has given us is converging together wit…
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Send us a message Fifty years before Jesus was born, Rome took control of the world, and the Roman Empire maintained control until after His Resurrection. It was Roman rule that put Jesus on the Cross. It was the Imperialistic Romans who ruthlessly ruled during the days of the Early Church. They were always after Paul. They were always quelling the…
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Send us a message Since the Garden of Eden, when Lucifer disguised as a Serpent beguiled Adam and Eve causing them to disobey their Creator and relinquish their stewardship over the earth to him, he has been diligently working through the many counterfeits held within his demonic strategies and deceptions, with the prideful purpose to build his own…
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Send us a message Throughout time, God’s enemy has been doing everything within his power to rob, kill, and destroy – and to usurp the One True and Only God of all Creation. And as ruler of the world’s systems, he accomplishes this dreadful feat by blinding the minds of those who do not believe so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glor…
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Send us a message As prophetic precursors push us ever closer to the last things on God’s Prophetic Calendar, it is important that we remain in prayer for Israel, and the entire Middle East, because there is a tendency to be very aware when these critical events first happen, but then as time goes by, we can become distracted by other matters and l…
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Send us a message Since the Garden of Eden – and even before Lucifer fell from Heaven’s abode, God’ adversary has been planning his own prideful agenda – which is a wonder since he knows the determined end of this age – which is his eternal destination in the fires of Hell, along with all the agents of darkness that served him in his mutiny against…
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