show episodes

Rav Zev Reiss

Hakol Radio

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Rav Zev Reiss shlita, Rosh Kollel of Kollel Zichron Yaakov, Rav of the woods Shtiebel in Lakewood NJ, and Mechaber of Sefer Yechalek Shallal is a prolific speaker who weaves an interesting array of sayings from Chazal to deliver an interesting, informative, and yet poignant message.
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Hear the most recent Shiurim and Vaadim (Hebrew and English) Rav Leuchter has given on various Seforim and life changing Torah topics. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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Rav Gershon Ribner

Rav Gershon Ribner

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The Bais Medrash fills with Talmidei Chachamim and laymen when Rav Gershon Ribner Shlita, son-in-law of Rav Shneur Kotler, is scheduled to give a Shiur or Vaad at Bais Medrash Govoha, Lakewood. Years of tutelage by Rav Yitzchok Hutner and learning in Yeshivas Brisk, have combined to prepare Rav Gershon for the position of Primary Instructor of Talmud at Bais Medrash Govoha. He has succeeded in applying classical talmudical analysis methodology to understanding all areas of our religion, brin ...
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Judaism From Within

Rabbi Simi Lerner

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A tribute to the legacy of Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch Why This Title? It was his motto ’sich selbst begreifendes Ju dentum ’, Judaism understood from within, a term that encapsulates Rav Hirsch’s approach of diving into the essence of Judaism, viewing it through its inherent structures rather than through external lenses. Under the ”Topical Resources” , you’ll find additional Topics
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Recent Shiurim

The Rav Moshe Weinberger Library

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This podcast contains all new shiurim that Rav Weinberger is teaching. Chaburas Yosef Hatzadik: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Meshivas Nefesh: Spotify: Apple Podcasts: Shaar Hagan: Spotify: https://ope ...
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ZOHAR Sessions

HaRav's ARMY

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ZOHAR Sessions from The Rav - {HaRav Shraga Fievel / Rav Berg} - on the weekly Torah Portions. Uncovered Kabbalah Audios from the '80s, '90s & 2000s. Interactive Kabbalah Sessions on Wisdom, Spirituality & Life. This podcast is independently administered by students of The Kabbalah Centre. The Kabbalah Centre is an international organization dedicated to teaching Kabbalah to ALL peoples of the world regardless of religion, nationality, gender, age, race, affiliations and/or preferences.
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Rav Yehoshua Liff grew up in Baltimore in the environment of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, where his father was a Rebbe. Living in Eretz Yisroel Rabbi Liff has been a Mechanech to many Talmidim for close to four decades as Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshiva Ner Yaakov, and presently as the Nasi of Yeshiva Ateres Yaakov in Ramat Beit Shemesh. His book about his personal stories with many Gedolim including Rav Moshe Feinstien, Rav Shach, Rav Chaim Shmuelevitz, and more, was published by Artscroll titled “At His ...
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Keep your connection with the Bais Medrash of YGW - Tiferes Gedaliah with shiurim in Hashkafah, Halachah, Mussar, Machshavah, and Parsha given by the Rosh HaYeshiva Rav Ahron Lopiansky, shlita, and the Rosh Kollel Rav Eliyahu Reingold, shlita. This podcast is powered for free by Torahcasts. Start your own forever free Torah podcast today at and share your Torah with the world.
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Learning Geula

Rabbi Shlomo Katz

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Redemption restores us to the greatest and healthiest version of us. We seem to be on the way, but what still seems to be getting in the way? Based on the teachings of Rav Ruvain Sasson, we begin to explore these questions.
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Gedolei Torah

Rabbi Aaron Lopiansky

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Delivered in the yeshiva every Motzei Shabbos Mevarchim, these shiurim introduce us to Gedolim throughout history in way you have never heard before.Always based on primary material, Rav Aaron discusses each Gadol, his era, his accomplishments, his legacy and the impact he has on us to today.This shiur is ongoing so be sure to subscribe for all the latest shiurim in this series.
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Rav Natan

Rav Natan

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Rav Natan is an international educator who aimed to bring Peace and Passion into our relationships. Drawing much of his inspiration from Torah (Bible) his words are powerful and inspiring.
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Get inspired by people who make a difference bigger than themselves with host Aaron Pete. From overcoming obstacles to finding motivation, these guests will inspire you to dream bigger and strive for greatness! Popular guests include Premier David Eby, Vassy Kapelos, Brent Butt, Ariel Helwani, Rav Arora, Tara Henley and the Millennial Therapist.
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Tehillim Unveiled

Ari Levisohn and Rav Jeremy Tibbetts

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Over the past year, we've been saying a lot of Tehillim (Psalms), and it got me thinking more deeply about some of the words that are so familiar to us. As I delved into them—combining modern literary analysis with a spiritual, meditative approach—I began to uncover layers of meaning that truly amazed me. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’ve developed a profound love for the book, that I couldn't help but try to share. Join me as we unpack a new psalm each month, unveiling new meanin ...
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Daily Dvar Halacha

Rabbi Eli Reingold

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Rav Eliyahu Reingold, Rosh Kollel in the Yeshiva of Greater Washington, spent many years learning in the Telshe Yeshiva and Kollel where he was recognized as one of their foremost talmidim. He taught in the Telshe Mechina before coming to the Yeshiva of Greater Washington. He is a noted Baal Halacha and Baal Mussar, serving as a well-respected posek for the Yeshiva and community. Besides his responsibility in leading the Kollel, he delivers a high level shiur to advanced students, and provid ...
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A food justice and climate justice podcast from a young urban farmer and a community activist on Treaty 13 land (Mississauga, Ontario). Visit your co-host Rav at Check out your co-host Rahul at
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Torah Today with Rabbi Kassorla

Rabbi Naftali Kassorla

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Shiurim, Lessons and Mussar from Rabbi Naftali Kassorla of Yerushalayim. Rabbi Naftali Moshe Kassorla learned in the Mir Yeshiva in Yerushalayim and after marriage in Brisk under the tutelage of Rav Meir Soloveitchik zt"l. Rabbi Kassorla serves as a mentor and gives shiurim on Halacha, Mussar and Hashkafa for various Yeshivos and Seminaries in Yerushalayim. He has written several popular series on the Parsha, Pirkei Avos, and the Orchos Tzaddikim. Currently Rabbi Kassorla serves as a Maggid ...
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KMH - K'hal Mevakshei Hashem

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Harav Yussie Zakutinsky is the Rav of K’hal Mevakshei Hashem in Lawrence, NY. His unique ability to blend nigleh, chassidus and kabbalah together reveals the unity of Hashem and Torah. Harav Yussie Zakutinsky utilizes the teachings of the Baal Shem Tov and his talmidim, to transform the deep esoteric ideas contained in penimius hatorah, into relatable and actionable lessons.
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Ratzon HaTorah

Yitzi Horowitz, LCSW

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Hi! I invite you to join me as I explore the intricacies of our inner-world, our lives and our relationship with Hashem. The episodes on this podcast are about my passionate belief that the Torah speaks to us, personally, intimately and timely. Studying the wisdom of Torah and our rich legacy is a part of Torah and our rich legacy itself. As our world embraces the powerful possibilities that psychotherapy offers us, I humbly wish to add my own thoughts and ideas about what it means to be hum ...
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Hachana L'Shabbos

Rav Shlomo Katz

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What type of rest do we yearn for on Shabbat? How do we frame our mindset during the week to prepare for Shabbat and how can we transform our Shabbat experience? Using the teachings of Rabbi Yaakov Meir Shechter, a leading Breslov Rabbi, in his sefer Yom Machmadim, we build tools towards enhancing our ability to connect to the day of rest.
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Bnei Baruch - Kabbalah L'Am Association

Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education and Research Institute, Бней Барух – Ассоциация "Каббала Ла-Ам"

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Studying Kabbalah: A podcast in Hebrew. See also our telegram channel Bnei Baruch is the largest group of Kabbalists in Israel, sharing the wisdom of Kabbalah with the entire world. Study materials in over 32 languages are based on authentic Kabbalah texts that were passed down from generation to generation. Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Education and Research Institute is an international movement of many thousands of students dedicated to publicly sharing the authentic wisdom of Kabba ...
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show series
הרב עדין שטיינזלץ ישיבת תקוע אלול, תשנ׳טלדוד ה' אורי וישעיהגדרה עצמית ראשית נשאלת השאלה היכן נכתב המזמור? על מנת להבין את עיקרי הדברים, עלינו לחקור מאיזו נקודת מוצא נכתב המזמור, באיזה מצב ובאיזו שעה. על פי פשוטם של דברים מדובר בסיטואציה של חשש מאויבים, ערב מלחמה, "בקרוב עלי מרעים", "אם תחנה עלי מחנה", וכיוצא בזה ומתמיהה העובדה כי דוקא במצב זה עומד …
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Video, rus_t_rav_2024-09-12_congress_lesson_israel-haolami_n2_p1. Lesson_part :: Daily_lesson 2 :: Congress. Всемирный каббалистический конгресс "Укрепляемся в десятке"
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Audio, rus_t_rav_2024-09-12_congress_lesson_israel-haolami_n2_p1. Lesson_part :: Daily_lesson 2 :: Congress. Всемирный каббалистический конгресс "Укрепляемся в десятке"
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In our new series, we will examine the laws of Tachanun. May our learning be a merit for our brave soldiers in the IDF, full healing for our brothers and sisters in Israel, and for a safe return of ALL the hostages. In our next lesson we discuss situational exemptions from Tachanun. Our learning is dedicated L'Iluy Nishmat Captain Daniel Perez HY"D…
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Audio, rus_t_norav_2024-09-12_congress_seuda_israel-haolami_n1. Meal :: Congress. Всемирный каббалистический конгресс "Укрепляемся в десятке"
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Audio, rus_t_rav_2024-09-12_congress_lesson_israel-haolami_n1_p1. Lesson_part :: Daily_lesson 1 :: Congress. Всемирный каббалистический конгресс "Укрепляемся в десятке"
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Audio, rus_t_rav_2024-09-12_congress_lesson_israel-haolami_n1_p1. Lesson_part :: Daily_lesson 1 :: Congress. Всемирный каббалистический конгресс "Укрепляемся в десятке"
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