このプログラムは、東京のFMラジオステーション「JK RADIO TOKYO UNITED」で放送中のコーナー「FOOTBALL FANATIC」から世界のサッカー情報や、試合の行方を、ジョンカビラが大胆妄想「応援」ヴァーチャル実況いたします!
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I migliori Soccer podcast che abbiamo trovato
I migliori Soccer podcast che abbiamo trovato
Soccer is the world's most popular sport. And if you're one of the millions who love hearing news and conversations about the "world game", then you might want to consider listening to podcasts. Unlike other forms of media, podcasts are much more convenient in a way that you can enjoy them on-demand either from your computer or your phone. You can stream them when you're online and download them for offline listening.
This is why podcasts are becoming more popular, even among soccer fans! In fact, many of them have also set up podcasts, joining those leading football podcasts (e.g. Guardian Football Weekly, Football Ramble, ESPN FC) in providing on-demand content not only about the beautiful game in general, but also on various leagues, from La Liga, Bundesliga, to the Premier League, up to the World Cup. A Manchester United fan? What about Arsenal, or Liverpool FC? Podcasts about your favorite football clubs are available too!
For your convenience, we've gathered the best soccer podcasts out there. Kick off your podcasting session and press play now!
日本語と英語でサッカーの世界情報についての話を聴いて、英語が学べるポッドキャスト。 // A weekly podcast in Japanese & English, discussing the world of football.
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J-WAVE、毎週金曜日6:00〜11:30 ジョン・カビラがナビゲートする 【JK RADIO TOKYO UNITED】 8:15 - 8:20にオンエアされている 「FOOTBALL FANATIC」では、 世界のサッカー情報をお届けします! また、ジョン・カビラ架空実況もお楽しみに♪
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某短大英文学科の学生有志による英語学習ページです。これまで音声によるPodcastを中心に配信していましたが、ここではSpecial Programとして、私たちの住む街・新潟を取り上げ、3回にわたってVideoPodcastを配信します。日本に来られる外国の方、ぜひ一度新潟に立ち寄ってみてください。コメント・ご意見・要望・感想 お待ちしております!This is the special page by JYNNAMMES, college students somewhere in Japan.Here we'll introduce our town, Niigata.If you have a chance to come to Japan or live in Japan, we do hope you'll visit Niigata!
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UEFAチャンピオンズリーグ Round of 16 ファーストレグ パリ・サンジェルマン 対 リヴァプール
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A COVID-induced interruption to our planned schedule means a chance to answer some of your questions!Di Football & English
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スペイン国王杯 コパ・デル・レイ 準決勝レアル・ソシエダ 対 レアル・マドリード
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In early December 2024, Premier League referee David Coote was sacked by PGMOL, the group responsible for referees in England after social media scandals blew up and raised questions over match-fixing and a number of other issues. Since then, David Coote has done interviews to address the situation and provide more context as to what happened and w…
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JリーグJ1 開幕節 FC町田ゼルビア 対 サンフレッチェ広島
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After a looong break, we're back to talk about what's next for Football & EnglishDi Football & English
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FUJIFILM SUPER CUP 2025 ヴィッセル神戸 対 サンフレッチェ広島の妄想ヴァーチャル実況
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イングランド プレミアリーグ アーセナル 対 マンチェスター・シティ
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皇后杯 決勝 アルビレックス新潟レディース 対 三菱重工浦和レッズレディース
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イングランド プレミアリーグ マンチェスター・ユナイテッド 対 ブライトン
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イングランド プレミアリーグ ノッティンガム・フォレスト 対 リヴァプール
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今週、注目するのは、あすが準々決勝、第103回全国高校サッカー選手権大会。サッカージャーナリストで、ユース世代を熱く追い続ける安藤隆人さんに お話を伺います。
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WEリーグカップ決勝 サンフレッチェ広島レジーナ 対 INAC神戸レオネッサ
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時空を超えたバルセロナ・オールスターズvs 時空を超えた日本代表 Samurai Blue
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Di Football & English
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サッカーに熱く迫る5分間。 ヴィッセル神戸 対 湘南ベルマーレ ガンバ大阪 対 サンフレッチェ広島 鹿島アントラーズ 対 FC町田ゼルビア
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Omiya Ardija are the latest team to be given wings by Red Bull, recently unveiling a new logo following the takeover by the energy drink giants. Coming on the back of Jurgen Klopp’s decision to join as Global Head of Soccer, fans are once again dealing with the idea of something they love being tainted by a global corporation.…
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J1 第37節 柏レイソル 対 ヴィッセル神戸とサンフレッチェ広島 対 北海道コンサドーレ札幌 試合の行方を、大胆妄想「二元」ヴァーチャル実況!!
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To some it’s a tactically and statistically proven method of starting a high-value sequence of play. To others it’s needlessly risky, a fad that may work for Pep Guardiola in the rarified air of the top end of the Premier League but which invariably fails as you get lower down the leagues.Di Football & English
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ハリー杉山のヴァーチャル実況。 天皇杯 決勝 ガンバ大阪 対 ヴィッセル神戸
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A script-less chat about things happening in the world of football.Di Football & English
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お休み中のジョン・カビラに代わって 堀 潤さんがお届けしています。 FIFAワールドカップ 26 アジア最終予選 グループC インドネシア代表 対 日本代表 Samurai Blue
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To some, it’s the highest individual honour that a footballer can receive. To others, it’s a vanity award, a simple popularity contest. But it has an interesting history and every year seems to get more controversial. So how do you win it? Who decides it? Do players care about it? And what is the plural of Ballon d’Or?…
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JリーグJ1 第36節 浦和レッズ 対 サンフレッチェ広島
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Fans of the A-League call it the best league in the world. Whether that’s true or not, it’s a beautiful league and it’s uniquely Australian. In part two of our series on football in Australia, we’re talking about how the A-League was created, and what it is today.Di Football & English
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JリーグYBCルヴァンカップ決勝 名古屋グランパス 対 アルビレックス新潟
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Last week, Australia’s professional football league, the A-League, kicked off its 20th season! To celebrate this milestone, our next two episodes are dedicated to the national football leagues in Australia. It is a complicated story of identity, crowd trouble, fighting against forces that want to destroy football in Australia, before being reborn i…
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国際親善マッチ 日本女子代表なでしこジャパン 対 韓国女子代表
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The J.League is one of the most interesting football leagues in the world. On the pitch, amazing talent brings excitement to a competitive and unpredictable league. Off the pitch, fans add vibrant colour and endless support, creating a matchday experience that stands out among leagues and sports worldwide.…
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サッカーに熱く迫る5分間。Jリーグ J1 第34節 ヴィッセル神戸 対 FC東京 妄想ヴァーチャル実況
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Recapping the latest World Cup Qualifying battle between Japan and Australia.Di Football & English
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FIFAワールドカップ26 アジア最終予選 グループ C 日本代表 Samurai Blue 対 オーストラリア代表
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Taking a break from our usual format to answer some questions from our listeners.Di Football & English
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FIFAワールドカップ26 アジア最終予選グループ C 日本代表 Samurai Blue 対 サウジアラビア代表 妄想ヴァーチャル実況をお送りします。
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Manchester City forward Bernardo Silva said only one team came to play football in their 2-2 Premier League draw with Arsenal, who were accused of employing "dark arts" at Etihad Stadium. "There was only one team that came to play football," Silva told TNT Sports Brazil. "The other came to play to the limits of what was possible to do and allowed b…
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They are officially the worst team in international football, but San Marino finally ended a 20-year winless run earlier this month by beating Liechtenstein 1-0 in the UEFA Nations League. It was FIFA’s lowest-ranked team’s first-ever competitive win, with their only previous victory coming in a 1-0 friendly against the same opposition in 2004 — pl…
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The 2024/25 Champions League kicked off this week, and it’s the first season of a brand new format. 36 teams playing in a League system, with each team playing against 8 different opponents. Is this an exciting change to the most prestigious club competition in the world, or just another case of trying to fix something that didn’t need to be fixed?…
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WEリーグ 開幕節 INAC神戸レオネッサ 対 サンフレッチェ広島レジーナ
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Aston Villa fans have called the club "out of touch" for charging up to £97 a ticket for home Champions League matches this season. Villa announced on Wednesday that adult tickets for their four home matches will be priced at £85, £94 and £97, with season ticket-holders getting slight discounts. The Football Supporters' Association called Villa's t…
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FIFAワールドカップ26 アジア最終予選 バーレーン代表 対 日本代表SAMURAI BLUE
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Leaving early is a bit of a red flag. Booing your own players too. Wearing a half-and-half scarf, or purchasing a half-and-half scarf: forget it. Fake merchandise. Supporting a club from a place where you do not live. Supporting more than one club. Yes, these days there are multiple ways of outing yourself as “not a true fan”. But who gets to call …
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FIFAワールドカップ26 アジア最終予選 日本代表SAMURAI BLUE 対 中国代表
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The Olympics are the pinnacle of most sports. Every athlete—and even many non-athletes—dreams of bringing home a gold medal for their country. Even just qualifying for the Olympics is an incredible achievement. But can you say the same for football? In a calendar of World Cups, continental cups and an ever-growing list of club competitions, does fo…
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イングランド プレミアリーグ第2節 ブライトン vs マンチェスター・ユナイテッド 妄想ヴァーチャル実況をお送りします。
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The 2024/25 Premier League season is upon us, so Tomo and Tommy pull out their magic 8 balls to make their predictions for the season.Di Football & English
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イングランド プレミアリーグ開幕節チェルシー vs マンチェスター・シティの妄想ヴァーチャル実況
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Kicking off another big season with a look back on a busy summer for Tomo and Tommy.Di Football & English
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JリーグJ1 第26節 柏レイソル 対 ガンバ大阪
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