XtraChill 429
Manage episode 458732909 series 3547632
Frohes Neues Jahr - Happy New Year!
"The same procedure as ever year" - um einen beliebten Silvester-Klassiker zu zitieren! Auch das Jahr 2025 startet am heutigen Neujahrstag mit dem "XtraChill"-Neujahrskonzert! Die Tradition gibt es schon viele Jahre und jedes Jahr wird der Mix ein wenig länger. Wieder stehen 24 Tracks auf der Playliste mit einer Auswahl der besten Neuzugänge des abgelaufenen Kalenderjahres. Neue Projekte und Künstler, die uns durch die letzten zwölf Monate begleitet haben und auch in Zukunft eine Rolle in diesem Podcast spielen werden. Neben den Urhebern stehen natürlich auch die vielen Netlabels im Fokus, ohne deren unermüdlichen Einsatz Podcasts wie "XtraChill" nicht möglich wären. Als Novum stehen heute drei neue Labels am Start und sogar eine erste Neuvorstellung - wie das sein kann, hört ihr am besten selbst! Ich wünsche allen Hörerinnen und Hörern einen tollen Start ins Neue Jahr und bedanke mich für Eure Treue, ihr Lieben!
"The same procedure as ever year" - to quote a popular New Year's Eve classic! The year 2025 also starts today on New Year's Day with the "XtraChill" New Year's concert! The tradition has been around for many years and every year the mix gets a little longer. There are again 24 tracks on the playlist with a selection of the best new artists of the past calendar year. New projects and artists who have accompanied us through the last twelve months and will also play a role in this podcast in the future. In addition to the authors, the focus is of course also on the many net labels, without whose tireless efforts podcasts like "XtraChill" would not be possible. As a novelty, three new labels are starting today and even a first new presentation - the best way to hear how that can be is to hear for yourself! I wish all listeners a great start to the New Year and thank you for your loyalty, dear ones!
Playliste Episode 429: Happy New Year 2025
Glowing Embers - "Smokescreen" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Kres Anderson - "Submerging" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Filter (ZA) - "Medico (Original)" / Beatport / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
NoRinTon - "Imagination" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Tom Bragl - "Newly Formed Star" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Elys & NRT:K - "Broken Mirror" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Sebby Kowal - "Kyoto" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
zaVen - "Error" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Office Dub - "Afterhours" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Tim Six - "Constellations Over Waves" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Javier Ho - "Feel the Evolution" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
developingrhythm - "10 Lines" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
SounDealer - "Blow" / Bandcamp / Deezer
Hidden Encampment - "Descending" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
DP-6 - "Water" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Francesco Tamburrano - "Short Rest" / Bandcamp / Deezer
Leonardo Camilo - "Future View" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Fortunecookie20 - "Remember This Time" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Gérman Tedesco - "Waves" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Mutca - "I Will Tell You" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Jarkko Räsänen - "Halfway House" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Dellamar - "Evening City" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Seabra Monkey - "Langjökull" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Shannon Davin - "Motown Duet" / Bandcamp / Amazon / Apple Music / Deezer
Ich danke den (Net)Labels "C-Recordings", "Piranha Siberia Dub", "Mare Nostrum", "Atlantea Records", "Lizplay Records", "Spclnch", "Ecoul SND", "DriftDeeper Recordings", "Broque", "Melotonin", "Insectorama","DeepWit Recordings", dem "Kahvi Collective" und - zum ersten Mal - "DeepStiched Records", dem "Velvet Dub Collective" und "Sound Avenue" für die tolle Unterstützung bei dieser Episode.
Themenbild: Pixabay - Foto: ymyphoto
eMail: xtrachillpodcast (at) gmail (dot) com
Home Page: xtrachillpodcast.de
Follow "XtraChill" at Soundcloud / Apple Music / YouTube / Amazon Music / Deezer / Pocket Casts / RTL+ / Podimo / Listen Notes / Podcast.de / Podcast Addict
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Please, dear listeners, support my guests by buying their music and/or with feedback. If you wanna support "XtraChill" with a donation, please use the PayPal button ("Spenden") on my Home Page at the end of each entry. Thank you!
Die nächste Ausgabe erscheint am 15. Januar 2025!
Bis zum nächsten Mal, hier bei "XtraChill"!

27. XtraChill - Episode 429: Happy New Year 2025 - Outro (02:27:00)

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